Follow these instructions to quickly create and test an app based on this template.
Before getting started, make sure you have the following set up:
Run the following command to create a new app project using this template:
npm create @wix/app@latest -- --template c442b755-2276-4336-918a-915865a9fa2b
In the creation process, you will be asked for:
This creates an app for you in the Wix Dev Center with the required permissions pre-configured.
The app creation process installs the app on your chosen development site. However, there is still some configuration required before your app will function.
You won’t see the app extensions on your development site until you build the app and release a version. To test the app during development, set up a local development environment using the following command.
npm run dev
This will prompt you with the following CLI menu:
View your local changes: (Press a key to open) › S - Site (publish the site to enable site preview) › D - Dashboard - /
Type D
to open a browser window with a preview of the app's dashboard page.
The development environment is set up for hot reloading, so any changes you make to your code will be reflected in the browser.
To complete this app's setup, you must provide a Mixpanel Project Token.
Go to your chosen Mixpanel project, or create a new one.
Navigate to Project Settings > Overview and find your Project Token under Access Keys. Save the token.
Return to the app’s page in your development site dashboard. In the text field under Setup, enter the token you saved and click Activate. This will both add the token to your embedded script parameters, and inject the code for the embedded script into the DOM of your site.