This API is subject to change. Bug fixes and new features will be released based on developer feedback throughout the preview period.
A Ricos document object defines rich content.
The object structure of a Ricos document is a tree of nodes that represent blocks of content. Some nodes are basic, such as paragraphs, and some nodes are complex, such as tables.
A Ricos document has a similar structure to HTML, in which node types resemble tags, fields resemble attributes, and nodes resemble the children of HTML tags. The main difference is that a Ricos document has more constraints, which makes it easier to manipulate it and display the content in different environments.
When creating a Ricos Document to use with a Wix API, make sure to check which plugins the API enables.
While using this reference, you can build, view, or edit your rich content using the Ricos playground. You can build your content in the Editor tab, view it in the Viewer tab, and edit or copy and paste it from the Document tab.
, Heading
, Blockquote
, CodeBlock
, Text
, OrderedList
, CollapsibleList
, Table
, Video
, Gallery
, Gif
, Audio
, File
, Embed
, LinkPreview
, Html
, Button
, Italic
, Underline
, Spoiler
, Anchor
, Mention
, Link
, Color
, FontSize
.Here are some key concepts that you may need to build your Ricos document.
Every node in a Ricos object must have a unique ID. A node ID must start with a letter and can contain only letters, numbers, hyphens, and underscores.
The Ricos playground automatically generates node IDs, but if you aren't using the playground, you must add node IDs yourself.
Some nodes, which are specified in this reference are tagged unions. Tagged unions are a way to represent a value that can be one of several different, but fixed, types. In Ricos, these types are different nodes.
Tagged unions contain a tag that define which type the value is. In Ricos, this tag is the type
field, and it tells the Ricos Content viewer how to display the content.
Learn more about tagged unions.
Format | Description |
WEB_URL | A URL that starts with http:// or https:// . |
COLOR_HEX | A color in hexadecimal RGB or RGBA format, for example #FF0000 or #FF000050 . COLOR_HEX accepts shorthand, for example #F00 or #F005. |
NODE_ID | See Node ID. |
Full list of Ricos plugins:
Field | Type | Description |
nodes Required | Array <RootNode> | Array of nodes representing content elements, such as ParagraphNode or HeadingNode . |
metadata | Metadata | Information about the Ricos document itself, such as its version. Only relevant when building the Ricos document using the Ricos playground, in which case it is auto-generated. |
documentStyle | DocumentStyle | Includes styling to be applied throughout the Ricos document for the specified node types. For example, you can define general styling for headerOne , and then override some of the properties separately for a specific header. |
Nodes are the containers for content. Each node is used for a different type of content.
Used in: RicosDocument
Nodes that can be added to the root level of nodes
This type is a Tagged Union.
Variant | Tag value | Description |
AppEmbedNode | APP_EMBED | Embeds an external content preview from Wix business solutions. For example, you can embed previews from the Wix Bookings, Wix Stores and Wix Events apps. |
AudioNode | AUDIO | Embeds and plays audio content directly in a webpage. Users can interact with the controls to play, pause, rewind, and adjust the volume of the audio. |
BlockquoteNode | BLOCKQUOTE | Used to visually distinguish quoted or cited content from the surrounding text. When rendered, it displays as the quoted text with indentation or other styling to visually separate it from the surrounding content. |
BulletedListNode | BULLETED_LIST | Bulleted list. |
ButtonNode | BUTTON | Button to trigger an action. |
CodeBlockNode | CODE_BLOCK | Presents code snippets, markup, or other text-based content that should be displayed exactly as it appears, without any interpretation or formatting applied by the browser. When rendered, it is displayed as the code block with a monospaced font, preserving indentation, line breaks, and spacing as specified in the code. |
CollapsibleListNode | COLLAPSIBLE_LIST | List of items where each item can be expanded or collapsed. |
DividerNode | DIVIDER | Horizontal line between different content. |
EmbedNode | EMBED | Embedded content when you include a link to a resource, without having to parse the resource directly. This provides a standardized way for web developers to include content such as videos, images, and other multimedia elements from supported providers. To learn more, see oembed. |
FileNode | FILE | File that is uploaded and accessed in a page. Files can be different types of content, such as text documents, images, and videos. |
GalleryNode | GALLERY | Collection of images displayed together. |
GifNode | GIF | GIF images. |
HeadingNode | HEADING | Indicates a heading or title of a section. There are 6 levels of headings, with 1 being the most prominent and 6 being the least. |
HtmlNode | HTML | HTML block that incorporates external content, such as interactive maps or entire web pages. |
ImageNode | IMAGE | Standalone images in a page. |
LinkPreviewNode | LINK_PREVIEW | Preview or summary of a webpage. Link previews include elements such as the title of the linked page, a brief description or excerpt of the content, and sometimes a thumbnail image or other relevant information. |
OrderedListNode | ORDERED_LIST | Numbered list. |
ParagraphNode | PARAGRAPH | Structures text content, providing a clear separation between different ideas or sections of text. Paragraphs are rendered with default styling that typically includes some space above and below the paragraph, making it visually distinct from the surrounding content. |
PollNode | POLL | Provides a question with several options, where the options' cumulative total may be shown. |
TableNode | TABLE | Data in rows and columns. |
VideoNode | VIDEO | Embeds and plays video content directly in a page. When rendered, it is displayed as the video player with the specified video file. Users can interact with the controls to play, pause, rewind, and adjust the volume of the video. |
Used in: RootNode, BlockquoteNode, ListItemChildNode, TableCellChildNode, CollapsibleTitleChildNode, CollapsibleItemBodyChildNode
Structures text content, providing a clear separation between different ideas or sections of text. Paragraphs are rendered with default styling that typically includes some space above and below the paragraph, making it visually distinct from the surrounding content.
Field | Type | Description |
type Required | "PARAGRAPH" | Node type. Must be PARAGRAPH . |
nodes | Array <TextNode> | Paragraph children. |
id | string format NODE_ID | Node ID. |
style | NodeStyle | Vertical padding. Note: This node requires the lineSpacing plugin to be enabled. |
paragraphData | ParagraphData | Paragraph node attributes. |
Used in: ParagraphNode
Field | Type | Description |
textStyle | TextStyle | Paragraph text styling. |
indentation | int32 | Paragraph margin from the left side. The indentation is measured relative to 40px. For example, if the indentation is 2 , then the margin is equal to 80px. |
Used in: ParagraphNode, HeadingNode, CodeBlockNode, CaptionNode
Text nodes hold the text itself, similar to how span
tags hold text in HTML. Text nodes can't be nested and must contain a non-empty string. Their appearance and behavior can be modified using decorations.
Field | Type | Description |
type Required | "TEXT" | Node type. Must be TEXT . |
textData Required | TextData | Text options. |
id | string format NODE_ID | Node ID. |
Used in: TextNode
Field | Type | Description |
text Required | string minLength: 1 | Non-empty string to display as text. |
decorations | Array <Decoration> Unique Tags | Array of text decorations. A decoration can't appear twice in the array. |
Used in: RootNode, ListItemChildNode, TableCellChildNode, CollapsibleTitleChildNode, CollapsibleItemBodyChildNode
Indicates a heading or title of a section. There are 6 levels of headings, with 1
being the most prominent and 6
being the least.
Field | Type | Description |
type Required | "HEADING" | Node type. Must be HEADING . |
nodes | Array <TextNode> | Child nodes to define the heading text. |
id | string format NODE_ID | Node ID. |
style | NodeStyle | Heading styling, such as padding and background color. Note: This node requires the lineSpacing plugin to be enabled. |
headingData | HeadingData | Heading options. |
Used in: HeadingNode
Field | Type | Description |
level | int32 minimum: 1 maximum: 6 | Heading size. Mi: 1 Max: 6 |
textStyle | TextStyle | Heading text styling, such as text alignment and line height. |
indentation | int32 | Heading margin from the left side. The indentation is measured relative to the font size em units by a ratio of 1.5. For example, if the indentation is 2 , then the margin is equal to 3em. Therefore the margin is 3 times the size of the font. |
Used in: RootNode, ListItemChildNode, TableCellChildNode, CollapsibleItemBodyChildNode
Note: This type requires the `image` plugin to be enabled.
Standalone images in a page.
Field | Type | Description |
type Required | "IMAGE" | Node type. Must be IMAGE . |
imageData Required | ImageData | Image options. |
id | string format NODE_ID | Node ID. |
nodes | Array <CaptionNode> | Child nodes to define an image caption. |
Used in: ImageNode
Field | Type | Description |
image Required | Media | Image file details. |
containerData | PluginContainerData | Image container styling. |
link | Link | Image link details. |
disableExpand | boolean | Whether the image expands to the full screen when clicked. Default: false |
altText | string | Alternate text to display when the image doesn't load. |
caption Deprecated | string | Deprecated. Use CaptionNode instead. |
disableDownload | boolean | Whether the download image button is disabled. Default: false |
Used in: VideoNode, GifNode, ImageNode
Caption container to be attached to media elements, such as images. Captions support formatted text content and can be styled independently from their parent nodes.
Field | Type | Description |
type Required | "CAPTION" | Node type. Must be CAPTION . |
nodes Required | Array <TextNode> | |
id | string | Caption node ID. |
style | NodeStyle | Defines the caption styling, such as padding and background color. Note: This node requires the lineSpacing plugin to be enabled. |
captionData | CaptionData | Caption options. |
Used in: CaptionNode
Field | Type | Description |
textStyle | TextStyle | Caption text styling. |
Used in: RootNode, ListItemChildNode, TableCellChildNode, CollapsibleTitleChildNode, CollapsibleItemBodyChildNode
Numbered list.
Field | Type | Description |
type Required | "ORDERED_LIST" | Node type. Must be ORDERED_LIST . |
nodes Required | Array <ListItemNode> minItems: 1 | List items. |
id | string format NODE_ID | Node ID. |
orderedListData | OrderedListData | Ordered list details. |
Used in: OrderedListNode
Field | Type | Description |
indentation Deprecated | int32 | List margin from the left side. The indentation is measured relative to the font size em units by a ratio of 1.5. For example, if the indentation is 2 , then the margin is equal to 3em. Therefore the margin is 3 times the size of the font. |
offset | int32 | Additional indentation of a list node. When offset is 0 , the list node appears at its default nesting level. Higher values cause increased indentation. |
start | int32 | Number at the top of the numbered list. Default: 1 |
Used in: RootNode, ListItemChildNode, TableCellChildNode, CollapsibleTitleChildNode, CollapsibleItemBodyChildNode
Bulleted list.
Field | Type | Description |
type Required | "BULLETED_LIST" | Node type. Must be BULLETED_LIST . |
nodes Required | Array <ListItemNode> minItems: 1 | List items. |
id | string format NODE_ID | Node ID. |
bulletedListData | BulletedListData | Bulleted list details. |
Used in: BulletedListNode
Field | Type | Description |
indentation Deprecated | int32 | |
offset | int32 | Additional indentation of a list node. When offset is 0 , the list node appears at its default nesting level. Higher values cause increased indentation. |
Used in: BulletedListNode, OrderedListNode
Must start with a paragraph or heading, followed by any number of paragraphs, bulleted lists, or ordered lists.
Field | Type | Description |
type Required | "LIST_ITEM" | Node type. Value: LIST_ITEM |
nodes Required | Array <ListItemChildNode> | Child nodes that the list item contains. Array items must adhere to the pattern described above this table. |
id | string format NODE_ID | Node ID. |
Used in: ListItemNode
This type is a Tagged Union.
Variant | Tag value | Description |
BulletedListNode | BULLETED_LIST | Bulleted list. |
GalleryNode | GALLERY | Collection of images displayed together. |
GifNode | GIF | GIF images. |
HeadingNode | HEADING | Indicates a heading or title of a section. There are 6 levels of headings, with 1 being the most prominent and 6 being the least. |
ImageNode | IMAGE | Standalone images in a page. |
OrderedListNode | ORDERED_LIST | Numbered list. |
ParagraphNode | PARAGRAPH | Structures text content, providing a clear separation between different ideas or sections of text. Paragraphs are rendered with default styling that typically includes some space above and below the paragraph, making it visually distinct from the surrounding content. |
VideoNode | VIDEO | Embeds and plays video content directly in a page. When rendered, it is displayed as the video player with the specified video file. Users can interact with the controls to play, pause, rewind, and adjust the volume of the video. |
Used in: RootNode, TableCellChildNode, CollapsibleTitleChildNode, CollapsibleItemBodyChildNode
Used to visually distinguish quoted or cited content from the surrounding text. When rendered, it displays as the quoted text with indentation or other styling to visually separate it from the surrounding content.
Field | Type | Description |
type Required | "BLOCKQUOTE" | Node type. Must be BLOCKQUOTE . |
nodes Required | Array <ParagraphNode> minItems: 1 maxItems: 1 | Child nodes to define a blockquote paragraph. |
id | string format NODE_ID | Node ID. |
blockquoteData | BlockquoteData | Blockquote details. |
style | NodeStyle | Defines the blockquote style, such as padding and background color. Note: This node requires the lineSpacing plugin to be enabled. |
Used in: BlockquoteNode
Field | Type | Description |
indentation | int32 | Blockquote margin from the left side. The indentation is measured relative to the font size em units by a ratio of 1.5. For example, if the indentation is 2 , then the margin is equal to 3em. Therefore the margin is 3 times the size of the font. |
Used in: RootNode, ListItemChildNode, TableCellChildNode, CollapsibleItemBodyChildNode
Note: This type requires the `giphy` plugin to be enabled.
GIF images.
Field | Type | Description |
type Required | "GIF" | Node type. Must be GIF . |
gifData Required | GIFData | GIF details. |
id | string format NODE_ID | Node ID. |
nodes | Array <CaptionNode> | Child nodes to define a GIF caption. |
Used in: GifNode
Field | Type | Description |
containerData | PluginContainerData | GIF container styling. |
original | GIF | Source for the full size GIF. |
downsized | GIF | Source for the downsized GIF. |
height | int32 | Height in pixels. |
width | int32 | Width in pixels. |
Used in: GIFData
Field | Type | Description |
gif | string format WEB_URL | GIF source URL. |
mp4 | string format WEB_URL | MP4 source URL. |
still | string format WEB_URL | GIF thumbnail URL. |
Used in: RootNode, ListItemChildNode, TableCellChildNode, CollapsibleItemBodyChildNode
Note: This type requires the `video` plugin to be enabled.
Embeds and plays video content directly in a page. When rendered, it is displayed as the video player with the specified video file. Users can interact with the controls to play, pause, rewind, and adjust the volume of the video.
Field | Type | Description |
type Required | "VIDEO" | Node type. Must be VIDEO . |
videoData Required | VideoData | Video details. |
id | string format NODE_ID | Node ID. |
nodes | Array <CaptionNode> | Child nodes to define a video caption. |
Used in: VideoNode
Field | Type | Description |
video Required | Media | Video file details. |
containerData | PluginContainerData | Video container styling. |
thumbnail | Media | Video thumbnail details. |
disableDownload | boolean | Whether the video download button is disabled. Default: false |
title | string | Video title. |
options | PlaybackOptions | Playback details. |
Used in: VideoData
Field | Type | Description |
autoPlay | boolean | Whether the media automatically starts playing after opening a page. |
playInLoop | boolean | Whether the media is looped. |
showControls | boolean | Whether to show the media controls. |
Used in: RootNode, CollapsibleItemBodyChildNode
Note: This type requires the `table` plugin to be enabled.
Data in rows and columns.
Field | Type | Description |
type Required | "TABLE" | Node type. Must be TABLE . |
nodes Required | Array <TableRowNode> minItems: 1 | Child nodes to define table rows. |
id | string format NODE_ID | Node ID. |
tableData | TableData | Table details. |
Used in: TableNode
Field | Type | Description |
type Required | "TABLE_ROW" | Node type. Must be TABLE_ROW . |
nodes Required | Array <TableCellNode> minItems: 1 | Child nodes to define table cells. |
id | string format NODE_ID | Node ID. |
Used in: TableNode
Field | Type | Description |
containerData | PluginContainerData | Table container styling. |
dimensions | TableData_Dimensions | Table dimensions. |
rowHeader | boolean | Whether the table's first row is a heading. Default: false |
columnHeader | boolean | Whether the table's first column is a heading. Default: false |
Used in: TableData
Field | Type | Description |
colsWidthRatio | Array <float64 > | Each column width as a fraction to the width of table. |
rowsHeight | Array <uint32 > | Height of each row. |
colsMinWidth | Array <uint32 > | Minimum width of each column. |
Used in: TableRowNode
Field | Type | Description |
type Required | "TABLE_CELL" | Node type. Must be TABLE_CELL . |
nodes Required | Array <TableCellChildNode> minItems: 1 | Child nodes to define cell content. |
id | string format NODE_ID | Node ID. |
tableCellData | TableCellData | Table cell details. |
Used in: TableCellNode
Table cell content node.
This type is a Tagged Union.
Variant | Tag value | Description |
AppEmbedNode | APP_EMBED | Embeds an external content preview from Wix business solutions. For example, you can embed previews from the Wix Bookings, Wix Stores and Wix Events apps. |
AudioNode | AUDIO | Embeds and plays audio content directly in a webpage. Users can interact with the controls to play, pause, rewind, and adjust the volume of the audio. |
BlockquoteNode | BLOCKQUOTE | Used to visually distinguish quoted or cited content from the surrounding text. When rendered, it displays as the quoted text with indentation or other styling to visually separate it from the surrounding content. |
BulletedListNode | BULLETED_LIST | Bulleted list. |
ButtonNode | BUTTON | Button to trigger an action. |
CodeBlockNode | CODE_BLOCK | Presents code snippets, markup, or other text-based content that should be displayed exactly as it appears, without any interpretation or formatting applied by the browser. When rendered, it is displayed as the code block with a monospaced font, preserving indentation, line breaks, and spacing as specified in the code. |
DividerNode | DIVIDER | Horizontal line between different content. |
EmbedNode | EMBED | Embedded content when you include a link to a resource, without having to parse the resource directly. This provides a standardized way for web developers to include content such as videos, images, and other multimedia elements from supported providers. To learn more, see oembed. |
FileNode | FILE | File that is uploaded and accessed in a page. Files can be different types of content, such as text documents, images, and videos. |
GifNode | GIF | GIF images. |
HeadingNode | HEADING | Indicates a heading or title of a section. There are 6 levels of headings, with 1 being the most prominent and 6 being the least. |
HtmlNode | HTML | HTML block that incorporates external content, such as interactive maps or entire web pages. |
ImageNode | IMAGE | Standalone images in a page. |
LinkPreviewNode | LINK_PREVIEW | Preview or summary of a webpage. Link previews include elements such as the title of the linked page, a brief description or excerpt of the content, and sometimes a thumbnail image or other relevant information. |
OrderedListNode | ORDERED_LIST | Numbered list. |
ParagraphNode | PARAGRAPH | Structures text content, providing a clear separation between different ideas or sections of text. Paragraphs are rendered with default styling that typically includes some space above and below the paragraph, making it visually distinct from the surrounding content. |
VideoNode | VIDEO | Embeds and plays video content directly in a page. When rendered, it is displayed as the video player with the specified video file. Users can interact with the controls to play, pause, rewind, and adjust the volume of the video. |
Used in: TableCellNode
Field | Type | Description |
cellStyle | TableCellData_CellStyle | Cell styling. |
borderColors | TableCellData_BorderColors | Cell border colors. |
Used in: TableCellData
Field | Type | Description |
verticalAlignment | enum : "TOP" , "MIDDLE" , "BOTTOM" | Vertical alignment for the cell's text. |
backgroundColor | string format COLOR_HEX | Cell background color as a hexadecimal value. |
Used in: TableCellData
Field | Type | Description |
left | string format COLOR_HEX | Left border color as a hexadecimal value. |
right | string format COLOR_HEX | Right border color as a hexadecimal value. |
top | string format COLOR_HEX | Top border color as a hexadecimal value. |
bottom | string format COLOR_HEX | Bottom border color as a hexadecimal value. |
Used in: RootNode, TableCellChildNode, CollapsibleItemBodyChildNode
Note: This type requires the `appEmbed` plugin to be enabled.
Embeds an external content preview from Wix business solutions. For example, you can embed previews from the Wix Bookings, Wix Stores and Wix Events apps.
Field | Type | Description |
type Required | "APP_EMBED" | Node type. Must be APP_EMBED . |
appEmbedData Required | AppEmbedData | Embedded Wix app. |
id | string format NODE_ID | Node ID. |
Used in: AppEmbedNode
This type is a Tagged Union.
Variant | Tag value | Description |
AppEmbedDataBooking | BOOKING | Embeds a booking from Wix Bookings. |
AppEmbedDataEvent | EVENT | Embeds an event from Wix Events. |
AppEmbedDataProduct | PRODUCT | Embedded a product from Wix Stores. |
Used in: AppEmbedData
Embedded a product from Wix Stores.
Field | Type | Description |
type Required | "PRODUCT" | Must be PRODUCT . |
name Required | string | Embedded content name. |
url Required | string | Embedded content URL. |
image | Media | Embedded content thumbnail. |
itemId | string | Embedded content ID. |
imageSrc Deprecated | string | Deprecated: Use image instead. |
Used in: AppEmbedData
Embeds an event from Wix Events.
Field | Type | Description |
type Required | "EVENT" | Must be EVENT . |
name Required | string | Embedded content name. |
url Required | string | Embedded content URL. |
eventData | AppEmbedData_EventData | Embedded event content. |
image | Media | Embedded content thumbnail. |
itemId | string | Embedded content ID. |
imageSrc Deprecated | string | Deprecated: Use image instead. |
Used in: AppEmbedData
Embeds a booking from Wix Bookings.
Field | Type | Description |
type Required | "BOOKING" | |
name Required | string | Embedded content name. |
url Required | string | Embedded content URL. |
image | Media | Embedded content thumbnail. |
itemId | string | Embedded content ID. |
bookingData | AppEmbedData_BookingData | Embedded booking content. |
imageSrc Deprecated | string | Deprecated: Use image instead. |
Used in: AppEmbedDataBooking
Field | Type | Description |
durations | string | Booking duration in minutes. |
Used in: AppEmbedDataEvent
Field | Type | Description |
scheduling | string | Event schedule. |
location | string | Event location. |
Used in: RootNode, TableCellChildNode, CollapsibleItemBodyChildNode
Note: This type requires the `linkPreview` plugin to be enabled.
Embedded content when you include a link to a resource, without having to parse the resource directly. This provides a standardized way for web developers to include content such as videos, images, and other multimedia elements from supported providers. To learn more, see oembed.
Field | Type | Description |
type Required | "EMBED" | Node type. Must be EMBED . |
embedData Required | EmbedData | oEmbed details. |
id | string format NODE_ID | Node ID. |
Used in: EmbedNode
Field | Type | Description |
containerData | PluginContainerData | oEmbed node container styling. |
oembed | Oembed | oEmbed details. |
src | string | Original asset source. |
Used in: EmbedData
Field | Type | Description |
type | string | Resource type. |
width | int32 | Width of the resource specified in the url field in pixels. |
height | int32 | Height of the resource specified in the url field in pixels. |
title | string | Resource title. |
url | string | Resource source URL. |
html | string | HTML to embed a video player. The HTML should have no padding or margins. |
authorName | string | Name of the author or owner of the resource. |
authorUrl | string | URL for the author or owner of the resource. |
providerName | string | Name of the resource provider. |
providerUrl | string | URL for the resource provider. |
thumbnailUrl | string | Thumbnail image URL for the resource. If defined, thumbnailWidth and thumbnailHeight must also be defined. |
thumbnailWidth | string | Resource's thumbnail image width. If defined, thumbnailUrl and thumbnailHeight must also be defined. |
thumbnailHeight | string | Resource's thumbnail image height. If defined, thumbnailUrl and thumbnailWidth must also be defined. |
videoUrl | string | Embedded video URL. |
version | string | The oEmbed version number. Must be 1.0 . |
Used in: RootNode, TableCellChildNode, CollapsibleItemBodyChildNode
Note: This type requires the `divider` plugin to be enabled.
Horizontal line between different content.
Field | Type | Description |
type Required | "DIVIDER" | Node type. Must be DIVIDER . |
id | string format NODE_ID | Node ID. |
dividerData | DividerData | Divider details. |
Used in: DividerNode
Field | Type | Description |
containerData | PluginContainerData | Divider container styling. |
lineStyle | enum : "SINGLE" , "DOUBLE" , "DASHED" , "DOTTED" | Divider line style. |
width | enum : "LARGE" , "MEDIUM" , "SMALL" | Divider width. |
alignment | enum : "CENTER" , "LEFT" , "RIGHT" | Divider alignment. |
Used in: RootNode, TableCellChildNode, CollapsibleTitleChildNode, CollapsibleItemBodyChildNode
Note: This type requires the `codeBlock` plugin to be enabled.
Presents code snippets, markup, or other text-based content that should be displayed exactly as it appears, without any interpretation or formatting applied by the browser. When rendered, it is displayed as the code block with a monospaced font, preserving indentation, line breaks, and spacing as specified in the code.
Field | Type | Description |
type Required | "CODE_BLOCK" | Node type. VMust be CODE_BLOCK . |
nodes | Array <TextNode> | Child nodes to define a code block text. |
id | string format NODE_ID | Node ID. |
codeBlockData | CodeBlockData | Code block details. |
style | NodeStyle | Code block styling, such as padding and background color. Note: This node requires the lineSpacing plugin to be enabled. |
Used in: CodeBlockNode
Field | Type | Description |
textStyle | TextStyle | Defines the text styling, such as alignment and line height. |
Used in: RootNode, TableCellChildNode, CollapsibleItemBodyChildNode
Note: This type requires the `linkPreview` plugin to be enabled.
Preview or summary of a webpage. Link previews include elements such as the title of the linked page, a brief description or excerpt of the content, and sometimes a thumbnail image or other relevant information.
Field | Type | Description |
type Required | "LINK_PREVIEW" | Node type. Must be LINK_PREVIEW . |
linkPreviewData Required | LinkPreviewData | Link preview details. |
id | string format NODE_ID | Node ID. |
Used in: LinkPreviewNode
Field | Type | Description |
containerData | PluginContainerData | Link preview container styling. |
link | Link | Link details. |
title | string | Preview title. |
thumbnailUrl | string | Preview thumbnail URL. |
description | string | Preview description. |
html | string | Preview content as HTML. |
Used in: RootNode, TableCellChildNode, CollapsibleItemBodyChildNode
Note: This type requires the `audio` plugin to be enabled.
Embeds and plays audio content directly in a webpage. Users can interact with the controls to play, pause, rewind, and adjust the volume of the audio.
Field | Type | Description |
type Required | "AUDIO" | Node type. Must be AUDIO . |
id | string format NODE_ID | Node ID. |
audioData | AudioData | Audio details. |
Used in: AudioNode
Field | Type | Description |
containerData | PluginContainerData | Audio node container styling. |
audio | Media | Audio file details. |
disableDownload | boolean | Whether the audio download button is disabled. Default: false |
coverImage | Media | Cover image. |
name | string | Track name. |
authorName | string | Author name. |
html | string | HTML version of the audio node. |
Used in: RootNode, ListItemChildNode, CollapsibleItemBodyChildNode
Note: This type requires the `gallery` plugin to be enabled.
Collection of images displayed together.
Field | Type | Description |
type Required | "GALLERY" | Node type. Must be GALLERY . |
galleryData Required | GalleryData | Gallery node details. |
id | string format NODE_ID | Node ID. |
Used in: GalleryNode
Field | Type | Description |
items Required | Array <GalleryData_Item> minItems: 1 | Gallery items details. |
containerData | PluginContainerData | Gallery container styling. |
options | GalleryOptions | Gallery appearance options. |
disableExpand | boolean | Whether the expand button is disabled. Default: false |
disableDownload | boolean | Whether the download button is disabled. Default: false |
Used in: GalleryData
Field | Type | Description |
layout | GalleryOptions_Layout | Gallery layout. |
item | GalleryOptions_ItemStyle | Styling for gallery items. |
thumbnails | GalleryOptions_Thumbnails | Styling for gallery thumbnail images. |
Used in: GalleryOptions
Field | Type | Description |
type | enum : "COLLAGE" , "MASONRY" , "GRID" , "THUMBNAIL" , "SLIDER" , "SLIDESHOW" , "PANORAMA" , "COLUMN" , "MAGIC" , "FULLSIZE" | Gallery layout. Supported values: - COLLAGE : Presents images in various sizes and positions, creating an artistic or dynamic layout. - MASONRY : Grid-based design that places items in optimal positions based on available vertical space, creating an arrangement where items of varying heights fit together like bricks in a wall. - GRID : A layout structure that organizes items into rows and columns, creating a uniform arrangement of images. - THUMBNAIL : Smaller, scaled-down version of an image that serves as a preview. - SLIDER : Component that allows users to browse through a set of images by sliding or swiping through them, typically in a confined viewing area. - SLIDESHOW : A component that automatically or manually transitions through a set of images in a designated area. - PANORAMA : Wide-angle or 360-degree image that allows users to view an extended horizontal view of a scene. - COLUMN : Arrangement of the gallery items in vertical sections. - MAGIC : Visually stunning, dynamic effects that enhance the user experience. - FULLSIZE : A layout where each image or item is displayed at its full size, sometimes taking up the entire viewport or a significant portion of the screen. |
horizontalScroll | boolean | Whether the horizontal scroll is enabled. Default: true , unless the type field is set to GRID or COLLAGE . |
orientation | enum : "ROWS" , "COLUMNS" | Gallery orientation. |
numberOfColumns | int32 | Number of columns to display on computer screens. |
mobileNumberOfColumns | int32 | Number of columns to display on mobile phone screens. |
Used in: GalleryOptions
Field | Type | Description |
targetSize | int32 | Dimensions for each gallery item in pixels. Behavior may change with gallery type. |
ratio | float64 | Height to width ratio. |
crop | enum : "FILL" , "FIT" | Cropping strategy. Supported values: - FILL : Each item in the gallery is cropped and resized to completely fill its container. - FIT : Each item in the gallery is resized to fit exactly in its container without cropping. |
spacing | int32 | Spacing between gallery items in pixels. |
Used in: GalleryOptions
Field | Type | Description |
placement | enum : "TOP" , "RIGHT" , "BOTTOM" , "LEFT" , "NONE" | Thumbnail alignment. |
spacing | int32 | Spacing between thumbnails in pixels. |
Used in: GalleryData
Field | Type | Description |
title | string | Item title. |
altText | string | Item's alternative text. |
image Exactly one of | GalleryData_Item_Image | Image item. |
video Exactly one of | GalleryData_Item_Video | Video item. |
Used in: GalleryData_Item
Field | Type | Description |
media Required | Media | Video file details. |
thumbnail | Media | Video thumbnail file details. |
Used in: GalleryData_Item
Field | Type | Description |
media Required | Media | Image file details. |
link | Link | Link details for images, if relevant. |
Used in: RootNode, CollapsibleItemBodyChildNode
Note: This type requires the `collapsibleList` plugin to be enabled.
List of items where each item can be expanded or collapsed.
Field | Type | Description |
type Required | "COLLAPSIBLE_LIST" | Node type. Must be COLLAPSIBLE_LIST |
nodes Required | Array <CollapsibleItemNode> minItems: 1 | Collapsible list child nodes. |
id | string format NODE_ID | Node ID. |
collapsibleListData | CollapsibleListData | Collapsible list details. |
Used in: CollapsibleListNode
Field | Type | Description |
containerData | PluginContainerData | Collapsible list container styling. |
expandOnlyOne | boolean | Whether only one item can be expanded at a time. Default: false . |
initialExpandedItems | enum : "FIRST" , "ALL" , "NONE" | Sets which items are automatically expanded after the page loads. |
direction | enum : "LTR" , "RTL" | Direction of the text in the list. Supported values: - LTR : Left to right. - RTL : Right to left. |
isQapageData | boolean | Whether the collapsible item will appear in search results as an FAQ. |
Used in: CollapsibleListNode
Must contain title as the first item and body as the second.
Field | Type | Description |
type Required | "COLLAPSIBLE_ITEM" | Node type. Must be COLLAPSIBLE_ITEM |
nodes Required | Array <CollapsibleItemChildNode> | Collapsible list item. Array items must adhere to the pattern described above this table. |
id | string format NODE_ID | Node ID. |
Used in: CollapsibleItemNode
This type is a Tagged Union.
Variant | Tag value | Description |
CollapsibleItemBodyNode | COLLAPSIBLE_ITEM_BODY | Collapsible list item body. |
CollapsibleItemTitleNode | COLLAPSIBLE_ITEM_TITLE | Collapsible list item title. |
Used in: CollapsibleItemChildNode
Collapsible list item title.
Field | Type | Description |
type Required | "COLLAPSIBLE_ITEM_TITLE" | Node type. Must be COLLAPSIBLE_ITEM_TITLE . |
nodes Required | Array <CollapsibleTitleChildNode> minItems: 1 maxItems: 1 | Collapsible list item title child nodes. |
id | string format NODE_ID | Node ID. |
Used in: CollapsibleItemTitleNode
This type is a Tagged Union.
Variant | Tag value | Description |
BlockquoteNode | BLOCKQUOTE | Used to visually distinguish quoted or cited content from the surrounding text. When rendered, it displays as the quoted text with indentation or other styling to visually separate it from the surrounding content. |
BulletedListNode | BULLETED_LIST | Bulleted list. |
CodeBlockNode | CODE_BLOCK | Presents code snippets, markup, or other text-based content that should be displayed exactly as it appears, without any interpretation or formatting applied by the browser. When rendered, it is displayed as the code block with a monospaced font, preserving indentation, line breaks, and spacing as specified in the code. |
HeadingNode | HEADING | Indicates a heading or title of a section. There are 6 levels of headings, with 1 being the most prominent and 6 being the least. |
OrderedListNode | ORDERED_LIST | Numbered list. |
ParagraphNode | PARAGRAPH | Structures text content, providing a clear separation between different ideas or sections of text. Paragraphs are rendered with default styling that typically includes some space above and below the paragraph, making it visually distinct from the surrounding content. |
Used in: CollapsibleItemChildNode
Collapsible list item body.
Field | Type | Description |
type Required | "COLLAPSIBLE_ITEM_BODY" | Node type. Must be COLLAPSIBLE_ITEM_BODY . |
nodes Required | Array <CollapsibleItemBodyChildNode> minItems: 1 | Collapsible list item body child nodes. |
id | string format NODE_ID | Node ID. |
Used in: CollapsibleItemBodyNode
Collapsible list item body.
This type is a Tagged Union.
Variant | Tag value | Description |
AppEmbedNode | APP_EMBED | Embeds an external content preview from Wix business solutions. For example, you can embed previews from the Wix Bookings, Wix Stores and Wix Events apps. |
AudioNode | AUDIO | Embeds and plays audio content directly in a webpage. Users can interact with the controls to play, pause, rewind, and adjust the volume of the audio. |
BlockquoteNode | BLOCKQUOTE | Used to visually distinguish quoted or cited content from the surrounding text. When rendered, it displays as the quoted text with indentation or other styling to visually separate it from the surrounding content. |
BulletedListNode | BULLETED_LIST | Bulleted list. |
ButtonNode | BUTTON | Button to trigger an action. |
CodeBlockNode | CODE_BLOCK | Presents code snippets, markup, or other text-based content that should be displayed exactly as it appears, without any interpretation or formatting applied by the browser. When rendered, it is displayed as the code block with a monospaced font, preserving indentation, line breaks, and spacing as specified in the code. |
CollapsibleListNode | COLLAPSIBLE_LIST | List of items where each item can be expanded or collapsed. |
DividerNode | DIVIDER | Horizontal line between different content. |
EmbedNode | EMBED | Embedded content when you include a link to a resource, without having to parse the resource directly. This provides a standardized way for web developers to include content such as videos, images, and other multimedia elements from supported providers. To learn more, see oembed. |
FileNode | FILE | File that is uploaded and accessed in a page. Files can be different types of content, such as text documents, images, and videos. |
GalleryNode | GALLERY | Collection of images displayed together. |
GifNode | GIF | GIF images. |
HeadingNode | HEADING | Indicates a heading or title of a section. There are 6 levels of headings, with 1 being the most prominent and 6 being the least. |
HtmlNode | HTML | HTML block that incorporates external content, such as interactive maps or entire web pages. |
ImageNode | IMAGE | Standalone images in a page. |
LinkPreviewNode | LINK_PREVIEW | Preview or summary of a webpage. Link previews include elements such as the title of the linked page, a brief description or excerpt of the content, and sometimes a thumbnail image or other relevant information. |
OrderedListNode | ORDERED_LIST | Numbered list. |
ParagraphNode | PARAGRAPH | Structures text content, providing a clear separation between different ideas or sections of text. Paragraphs are rendered with default styling that typically includes some space above and below the paragraph, making it visually distinct from the surrounding content. |
PollNode | POLL | Provides a question with several options, where the options' cumulative total may be shown. |
TableNode | TABLE | Data in rows and columns. |
VideoNode | VIDEO | Embeds and plays video content directly in a page. When rendered, it is displayed as the video player with the specified video file. Users can interact with the controls to play, pause, rewind, and adjust the volume of the video. |
Used in: RootNode, TableCellChildNode, CollapsibleItemBodyChildNode
Note: This type requires the `file` plugin to be enabled.
File that is uploaded and accessed in a page. Files can be different types of content, such as text documents, images, and videos.
Field | Type | Description |
type Required | "FILE" | Node type. Must be FILE . |
fileData Required | FileData | File details. |
id | string format NODE_ID | Node ID. |
Used in: FileNode
Field | Type | Description |
containerData | PluginContainerData | File container styling. |
src | FileSource | File data source. |
name | string | File name. |
type | string | File type. |
size Deprecated | uint32 | Deprecated. Replaced by sizeInKb |
sizeInKb | string | File size in KB. |
pdfSettings | FileData_PDFSettings | Settings for PDF files. |
mimeType | string | File MIME type. |
path | string | File path. |
Used in: FileData
Field | Type | Description |
viewMode | enum : "NONE" , "FULL" , "MINI" | PDF view mode. Supported values: - NONE : PDF isn't displayed. - FULL : Full PDF page view is displayed. - MINI : Mini view of the PDF is displayed. |
disableDownload | boolean | Whether the PDF download button is disabled. Default: false |
disablePrint | boolean | Whether the PDF print button is disabled. Default: false |
Used in: RootNode, TableCellChildNode, CollapsibleItemBodyChildNode
Note: This type requires the `actionButton`, `linkButton` plugins to be enabled.
Button to trigger an action.
Field | Type | Description |
type Required | "BUTTON" | Node type. Must be BUTTON |
buttonData Required | ButtonData | Button details. |
id | string format NODE_ID | Node ID. |
Used in: ButtonNode
Field | Type | Description |
type Required | enum : "LINK" , "ACTION" | Button type. Supported values: - LINK : Redirects to a webpage. - ACTION : Performs an action. |
text Required | string | Button text. |
containerData | PluginContainerData | Button container styling. |
styles | ButtonData_Styles | Button styling. |
link | Link | Button link details. |
Used in: ButtonData
Field | Type | Description |
border | ButtonData_Styles_Border | Border properties. |
colors | ButtonData_Styles_Colors | Color properties. |
Used in: ButtonData_Styles
Field | Type | Description |
text | string | Text color as a hexadecimal value. |
border | string | Border color as a hexadecimal value. |
background | string | Background color as a hexadecimal value. |
Used in: ButtonData_Styles
Field | Type | Description |
width | int32 | Border width in pixels. |
radius | int32 | Border radius in pixels. |
Used in: RootNode, CollapsibleItemBodyChildNode
Note: This type requires the `poll` plugin to be enabled.
Provides a question with several options, where the options' cumulative total may be shown.
Field | Type | Description |
type Required | "POLL" | Node type. Must be POLL . |
pollData Required | PollData | Poll details. |
id | string format NODE_ID | Node ID. |
Used in: PollNode
Field | Type | Description |
containerData | PluginContainerData | Poll container styling. |
poll | PollData_Poll | Poll data. |
layout | PollData_Layout | Poll layout settings. |
design | PollData_Design | Poll design. |
Used in: PollData
Field | Type | Description |
id | string format NODE_ID | Node ID. |
title | string | Poll title. |
creatorId | string | Poll creator ID. |
image | Media | Main poll image. |
options | Array <PollData_Poll_Option> | Poll details. |
settings | PollData_Poll_Settings | Poll display settings. |
Used in: PollData_Poll
Field | Type | Description |
id | string | Poll option ID. |
title | string | Poll option title |
image | Media | Image displayed with the option. |
Used in: PollData_Poll
Field | Type | Description |
permissions | PollData_Poll_Settings_Permissions | Voting permission settings. |
showVoters | boolean | Whether to display the voters in the vote results. Default: true . |
showVotesCount | boolean | Whether to display the vote count. Default: true . |
Used in: PollData_Poll_Settings
Field | Type | Description |
view | enum : "CREATOR" , "VOTERS" , "EVERYONE" | Who can view the poll results. |
vote | enum : "SITE_MEMBERS" , "ALL" | Who can vote. |
allowMultipleVotes | boolean | Whether a user can vote multiple times. Default: false |
Used in: PollData
Field | Type | Description |
poll | PollData_Layout_PollLayout | Poll layout settings. |
options | PollData_Layout_OptionLayout | Poll options layout settings. |
Used in: PollData_Layout
Field | Type | Description |
type | enum : "LIST" , "GRID" | Voting options layout. |
direction | enum : "LTR" , "RTL" | Direction of the text in the poll. Supported values: - LTR : Left to right. - RTL : Right to left. |
enableImage | boolean | Whether to display the main poll image. Default: false |
Used in: PollData_Layout
Field | Type | Description |
enableImage | boolean | Whether to display option images. Defaults: false . |
Used in: PollData
Field | Type | Description |
poll | PollData_Design_PollDesign | Poll styling. |
options | PollData_Design_OptionDesign | Voting options styling. |
Used in: PollData_Design
Field | Type | Description |
background | PollData_Design_PollDesign_Background | Poll background styling. |
borderRadius | int32 | Border radius in pixels. |
Used in: PollData_Design_PollDesign
This type is a Tagged Union.
Variant | Tag value | Description |
PollData_Background_ColorVariant | COLOR | |
PollData_Background_GradientVariant | GRADIENT | |
PollData_Background_ImageVariant | IMAGE |
Used in: PollData_Design_PollDesign_Background
Field | Type | Description |
type Required | "COLOR" | |
color | string format COLOR_HEX | Background color as a hexademical value. |
Used in: PollData_Design_PollDesign_Background
Field | Type | Description |
type Required | "IMAGE" | |
image | Media | Image to use for the background. |
Used in: PollData_Design_PollDesign_Background
Field | Type | Description |
type Required | "GRADIENT" | |
gradient | PollData_Design_PollDesign_Background_Gradient | Gradient background details. |
Used in: PollData_Background_GradientVariant
Field | Type | Description |
angle | int32 | Gradient angle in degrees. |
startColor | string format COLOR_HEX | Start color as a hexadecimal value. |
lastColor | string format COLOR_HEX | End color as a hexadecimal value. |
Used in: PollData_Design
Field | Type | Description |
borderRadius | int32 | Border radius in pixels. |
Used in: RootNode, TableCellChildNode, CollapsibleItemBodyChildNode
Note: This type requires the `html` plugin to be enabled.
HTML block that incorporates external content, such as interactive maps or entire web pages.
Field | Type | Description |
type Required | "HTML" | Node type. Mst be HTML . |
htmlData Required | HTMLData | HTML details. |
id | string format NODE_ID | Node ID. |
Used in: HtmlNode
Field | Type | Description |
containerData | PluginContainerData | HTML node container styling. |
source | enum : "HTML" , "ADSENSE" | HTML code type. Possible values: - HTML : HTML code. - ADSENSE : Service provided by Google for rendering advertisements on web pages. |
url At least one of | string | HTML code URL. |
html At least one of | string | HTML code. |
Decorations are styles applied to text in nodes. A node can accept multiple styles at once.
Applying the same style more than once to the same node may cause an error.
Used in: TextNodeStyle, TextData
This type is a Tagged Union.
Variant | Tag value | Description |
AnchorDecoration | ANCHOR | Makes clickable text a different color. The link navigates to another section of the same page. |
BoldDecoration | BOLD | Bolds text, which makes it appear thicker and more prominent than normal text. |
ColorDecoration | COLOR | Styles text using background and text colors. Note: This decoration requires the colorDecoration plugin to be enabled. |
FontSizeDecoration | FONT_SIZE | Text font size. |
ItalicDecoration | ITALIC | Italicizes text, which makes it appear slanted or italicized. Italics are typically used for emphasis, citations, or to distinguish certain types of content. |
LinkDecoration | LINK | Makes clickable text a different color. The link navigates to another webpage or resource. Note: This decoration requires the link plugin to be enabled. |
MentionDecoration | MENTION | Text that mentions a specific user, often in social media platforms, forums, or content management systems. Note: This decoration requires the mention plugin to be enabled. |
SpoilerDecoration | SPOILER | Blurs text. Note: This decoration requires the spoiler plugin to be enabled. |
UnderlineDecoration | UNDERLINE | Underlines text. |
Used in: Decoration
Bolds text, which makes it appear thicker and more prominent than normal text.
Field | Type | Description |
type Required | "BOLD" | Decoration type. Must be BOLD . |
fontWeightValue | float32 | Font weight. |
Used in: Decoration
Italicizes text, which makes it appear slanted or italicized. Italics are typically used for emphasis, citations, or to distinguish certain types of content.
Field | Type | Description |
type Required | "ITALIC" | Decoration type. Must be ITALIC . |
italicData | boolean | Whether to enable the italic text. |
Used in: Decoration
Underlines text.
Field | Type | Description |
type Required | "UNDERLINE" | Decoration type. Must be UNDERLINE . |
underlineData | boolean | Whether to underline the text. |
Used in: Decoration
Note: This type requires the `spoiler` plugin to be enabled.
Blurs text.
Note: This decoration requires the spoiler
plugin to be enabled.
Field | Type | Description |
type Required | "SPOILER" | Decoration type. Must be SPOILER . |
spoilerData | SpoilerData | Spoiler details. |
Used in: SpoilerDecoration
Field | Type | Description |
id | string format NODE_ID | Node ID. |
Used in: Decoration
Makes clickable text a different color. The link navigates to another section of the same page.
Field | Type | Description |
type Required | "ANCHOR" | Decoration type. Must be ANCHOR . |
anchorData | AnchorData | Anchor details. |
Used in: AnchorDecoration
Field | Type | Description |
anchor | string | Target Node ID to redirect to. |
Used in: Decoration
Note: This type requires the `mention` plugin to be enabled.
Text that mentions a specific user, often in social media platforms, forums, or content management systems.
Note: This decoration requires the mention
plugin to be enabled.
Field | Type | Description |
type Required | "MENTION" | Decoration type. Must be MENTION . |
mentionData | MentionData | Anchor details. |
Used in: MentionDecoration
Field | Type | Description |
name | string | Display name of the mentioned user. |
slug | string | Username of the mentioned user. This is th text that appears after the "@". |
id | string | ID of the mentioned user. |
Used in: Decoration
Note: This type requires the `link` plugin to be enabled.
Makes clickable text a different color. The link navigates to another webpage or resource.
Note: This decoration requires the link
plugin to be enabled.
Field | Type | Description |
type Required | "LINK" | Decoration type. Must be LINK . |
linkData | LinkData | Link details. |
Used in: LinkDecoration
Field | Type | Description |
link | Link | Link object. |
Used in: Decoration
Note: This type requires the `textColor`, `textHighlight` plugins to be enabled.
Styles text using background and text colors.
Note: This decoration requires the colorDecoration
plugin to be enabled.
Field | Type | Description |
type Required | "COLOR" | Decoration type. Value: COLOR |
colorData | ColorData | Color details. |
Used in: ColorDecoration
Field | Type | Description |
background | string | Background color as a hexadecimal value. |
foreground | string | Text color as a hexadecimal value. |
Used in: Decoration
Text font size.
Field | Type | Description |
type Required | "FONT_SIZE" | Decoration type. Must be FONT_SIZE . |
fontSizeData | FontSizeData | Font size details. |
Used in: FontSizeDecoration
Field | Type | Description |
unit | enum : "PX" , "EM" | Font size units. |
value | float32 | Font size value. |
Nodes and decorations that are commonly used in other types.
Used in: VideoData, DividerData, FileData, GalleryData, GIFData, HTMLData, ImageData, LinkPreviewData, PollData, ButtonData, CollapsibleListData, TableData, EmbedData, AudioData
Field | Type | Description |
width | PluginContainerData_Width | Node display width. |
alignment | enum : "CENTER" , "LEFT" , "RIGHT" | Node alignment in its container. |
spoiler | PluginContainerData_Spoiler | Spoiler cover settings. |
height | PluginContainerData_Height | Node display height. |
textWrap | boolean | Whether the text should wrap around the node when it's displayed. If textWrap is false , the node fills the width of its container. Default: true for all node types except DIVIDER . |
Used in: PluginContainerData
Field | Type | Description |
enabled | boolean | Whether the spoiler cover is enabled. Default: false |
description | string | Text displayed on the spoiler cover. |
buttonText | string | Text that appears on the button that removes the spoiler cover. |
Used in: PluginContainerData
Node display width.
Field | Type | Description |
size At least one of | enum : "CONTENT" , "SMALL" , "ORIGINAL" , "FULL_WIDTH" | Width of a node in a container. Supported values: - CONTENT : Width of the container matches the content width. - SMALL : Small width. - ORIGINAL : Width of the container matches the original image width. Note: This value is only applicable for imageData containers. FULL_WIDTH : Image container takes up the full width of the screen. Note: This value is only applicable for imageData containers. |
custom At least one of | string | A custom width value in pixels. |
Used in: PluginContainerData
Field | Type | Description |
custom | string | Node display height in pixels. |
Used in: TextNodeStyle, ParagraphNode, HeadingNode, BlockquoteNode, CodeBlockNode, CaptionNode
Note: This type requires the `lineSpacing` plugin to be enabled.
Field | Type | Description |
paddingTop | string | The top padding value in pixels. |
paddingBottom | string | The bottom padding value in pixels. |
backgroundColor Deprecated | string |
Used in: ParagraphData, HeadingData, CodeBlockData, CaptionData
Field | Type | Description |
textAlignment | enum : "AUTO" , "LEFT" , "RIGHT" , "CENTER" , "JUSTIFY" | Text alignment. Supported values: - AUTO : Text aligns itself automatically. - LEFT : Text is aligned to the left. - RIGHT : Text is aligned to the right. - CENTER : Text is centered. - JUSTIFY : Text is justified to both margins. Default: AUTO . |
lineHeight | string | Vertical spacing between lines of text in an element. |
Used in: ImageData, LinkPreviewData, ButtonData, LinkData, GalleryData_Item_Image
Link object.
Field | Type | Description |
url Exactly one of | string | Absolute URL to link to. |
anchor Exactly one of | string | Target Node ID to link to. |
target | enum : "SELF" , "BLANK" , "PARENT" , "TOP" | The HTML target attribute value for the link. This property defines where the link opens. Supported values: SELF - Opens the link in the same frame.BLANK - Opens the link in a new browser tab or window.PARENT - Opens the link in the parent frame.TOP - Opens the link in the full body of the link's browser tab or window. Default: SELF |
rel | Link_Rel | Relationship between the current document and the linked document. |
Used in: Link
Field | Type | Description |
nofollow | boolean | Indicates to search engine crawlers not to follow the link. Default: false |
sponsored | boolean | Indicates to search engine crawlers that the link is a paid placement such as sponsored content or an advertisement. Default: false |
ugc | boolean | Indicates that this link is user-generated content and isn't necessarily trusted or endorsed by the page author. Default: false |
noreferrer | boolean | Indicates that this link protects referral information from being passed to the target website. |
File source object.
Field | Type | Description |
url Exactly one of | string | File source URL. |
id Exactly one of | string | ID that's resolved to a URL by a resolver function. |
private | boolean | Whether the file's source is private. Learn more about private files in Wix (SDK |
Used in: VideoData, ImageData, AudioData, PollData_Poll, AppEmbedDataProduct, AppEmbedDataEvent, AppEmbedDataBooking, GalleryData_Item_Image, GalleryData_Item_Video, PollData_Poll_Option, PollData_Background_ImageVariant
Field | Type | Description |
src Required | FileSource | File source. |
width | int32 | Media width in pixels. |
height | int32 | Media height in pixels. |
duration | float64 | Media duration in seconds. Only relevant for audio and video files. |
Metadata contains information about the Ricos document itself, such as its version.
Used in: RicosDocument
Field | Type | Description |
version | int32 | Ricos document version. |
id Deprecated | any | |
createdTimestamp Deprecated | any | |
updatedTimestamp Deprecated | any |
Decorations included in DocumentStyle
are applied throughout the Ricos document for the specified node types.
Used in: RicosDocument
Sets a default styling for specific node types throughout the entire Ricos Document. For example, you can set the text color for all Heading 1 nodes. You can override the styling of specific Text nodes separately using decorations.
Field | Type | Description |
headerOne | TextNodeStyle | Style for the H1 nodes. |
headerTwo | TextNodeStyle | Style for the H2 nodes. |
headerThree | TextNodeStyle | Style for the H3 nodes. |
headerFour | TextNodeStyle | Style for the H4 nodes. |
headerFive | TextNodeStyle | Style for the H5 nodes. |
headerSix | TextNodeStyle | Style for the H6 nodes. |
paragraph | TextNodeStyle | Style for the paragraph nodes. |
blockquote | TextNodeStyle | Style for the block quote nodes. |
codeBlock | TextNodeStyle | Style for the codeblock nodes. |
Used in: DocumentStyle
Field | Type | Description |
decorations | Array <Decoration> | Text node decorations. |
nodeStyle | NodeStyle | Node style, such as padding. Note: This node requires the lineSpacing plugin to be enabled. |
lineHeight | string | Text line height. |