Set a Login URL

If you use a Wix-managed login for members, Wix automatically takes care of the login process. However, if you've created a custom login page, you need to indicate where Wix should send members to login. You do so by setting a login URL.

To set a login URL:

  1. In your project dashboard go to Settings > Headless Settings.

  2. From Headless clients, click the three dots to the right of the OAuth app you want to edit. Choose Settings to open the app's settings page:

    Click OAuth App Settings

  3. Scroll down to the URLs section and go to the Login URL section.

    Login URL

  4. Enter the URL to your custom login interface. When Wix needs to log in a member, the member will be redirected to the URL you entered.

  5. Click Save to save your changes and return to the main Headless Settings page.

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