When you use the Wix Data API, you may encounter errors. This list includes the error codes and messages returned by the API and more information to help you resolve issues. If an error persists, contact support for help.
Code | Message | Description |
WDE0001 | Collection name must be a string. | Check that the collection name you provided is a valid string. |
WDE0002 | Item ID must be a string. | Check that the data item id you provided is a valid string. |
WDE0003 | Field name must be a string. | Check that the field name you provided is a valid string. |
WDE0004 | Failed to save {item name} into {collection name}. Items must be JavaScript objects. | Check that the item you're saving is a valid JavaScript object. |
WDE0005 | Failed to bulk save items into {collection name}. Items must be an array of JavaScript objects and item IDs must be strings if present. | One or more of the items you tried to save was invalid. Check that the items are an array of valid JavaScript objects and that any id properties in the items are strings. A valid ID key-value pair looks like this:'id': 'ffdkj9c2-df8g-f9ke-lk98-4kjhfr89keedb' . |
WDE0006 | Failed to bulk save items into {collection name}. Cannot insert more than 1000 items in one request. | You tried to save too many items at once. Avoid this error by splitting up your request into batches of fewer than 1000 items. |
WDE0007 | Invalid update. Updated object must have an _id property that is a string. | Check that the object you passed for the dataItem parameter has a property called id whose value is a valid string. |
WDE0008 | wixData.{the method you called} expects between {minimum} and {maximum} arguments, but was called with {the number of arguments you provided}. | The wrong number of arguments were passed to the method. Check your code to make sure that you are passing a valid number of arguments, and that you separate the argument values with commas. |
WDE0009 | Document is too large. | The maximum size for a single collection item is 512 KB. Check that the items you're adding are smaller than this. |
WDE0011 | Invalid filter usage. .filter requires WixDataFilter. | Check that the argument passed to the WixDataAggregate filter() method is a valid WixDataFilter object. |
WDE0012 | Invalid {method you called} usage. Filter is already set. | You are trying to use this method to set a filter, but you've already set one. You can only set one filter at a time. Check your code to see where the previous filter was set. |
WDE0013 | Invalid group usage. Group is already set. | You are trying to use the group() method to set a group for your aggregation, but you've already set one. You can only set one group at a time. Check your code to see where the previous group was set. |
WDE0014 | Requests per minute quota exceeded. | Your site has exceeded the quota of the maximum number of data requests per minute. Learn more about this quota and how to prevent this error. |
WDE0016 | Filter must be an object. | Check that your filter is a valid WixDataFilter object. |
WDE0018 | Options must be an object with one or all of the following boolean properties: {expected properties for your method} | Check that the options object you provided for a method is valid. For example, the save() method accepts 3 optional properties in its options parameter, including suppressHooks that accepts a boolean value. Defining an options parameter with a nested suppressHooks whose value isn't a boolean results in an error. To find the appropriate options properties for the method you're using, consult the API Reference. |
WDE0019 | Reference operation takes a string ID or an object with an ID to be connected. | Check that the argument passed to a method dealing with reference fields is either an item ID string or an object with an _id field. This error applies to the referringItemId and referencedItemId parameters of the Is Referenced Data Item , Replace Data Item References , and Remove Data Item Reference methods and the dataItem parameter of Query Referenced Data Item methods. |
WDE0020 | Provided relationship attribute {your field name} is not a multi-reference field. | Check that the collection field you're adding a multi-reference value to is a multi-reference type. |
WDE0021 | Invalid reference | Check that the referring and referenced items you provided are valid. A valid referring item is either an _id string or an object with an _id property. A valid referenced item is either an _id string, an object with an _id property, or an array of _id strings. |
WDE0024 | Field is deleted | The field you're trying to access was deleted. Restore the collection in the Content Management System (CMS) before using the field in your code. |
WDE0025 | The {your collection name} collection does not exist. You cannot work with a collection using the Data API before it is created in the Editor. | Check that the collection you're trying to access exists on your site. |
WDE0027 | The current user does not have permissions to {some action} on the {your collection name} collection. | A data request was made with insufficient permissions. Set up your collections permissions based on your site's needs. |
WDE0028 | Operation time limit exceeded. | Your data request ran for more than 5 seconds and timed out. The request was terminated. If this error persists, it may be because your request is working with large amounts of data. Learn more about this quota and how to prevent this error. |
WDE0029 | Reference {referencingCollectionName.propertyName} from {referencingItemId} to {referencedItemId} already exists. | The reference you're trying to create already exists. |
WDE0032 | Invalid {operator} parameter {operand}. {operator} parameter must be a {specifier} number. | The argument passed to this method must be a valid number. |
WDE0033 | Invalid {operator} parameter {operand}. {operator} parameter must be a positive number. | When calling limit() , the argument passed to this method must be a positive number. |
WDE0034 | Invalid {operator} parameter {operand}. {operator} parameter must be a non-negative number. | When calling skip() , the argument passed to this method must be a non-negative number. |
WDE0035 | Invalid {operator} parameter {operand}. {operator} parameter must be an integer. | The argument passed to this method must be an integer. |
WDE0036 | Invalid {operator} parameter {operand}. {operator} parameter cannot exceed {value}. | The argument passed to this method cannot be larger than the specified value. |
WDE0037 | Invalid query on {collection name}. Invalid prev positioned query skip on a negative number. | Check that the skip value you provided for the query is 0 or greater. |
WDE0038 | Invalid {operator} usage. {operator} does not take parameters. | This method expects no arguments. |
WDE0039 | Invalid {operator} usage. {operator} requires one parameter. | This method expects exactly one argument. |
WDE0040 | Invalid {operator} usage. {operator} requires two parameters. | This method expects exactly two arguments. |
WDE0041 | Invalid {operator} usage. {operator} requires three parameters. | This method expects exactly three arguments. |
WDE0042 | Invalid {operator} usage. {operator} requires at least two parameters. | This method expects at least two arguments, but fewer were provided. |
WDE0043 | Invalid {operator} usage. {operator} requires at least one parameter. | This method expects at least one argument, but none were provided. |
WDE0044 | Invalid {method name} parameter value. {method name} parameter must be a string. | The argument passed to this method must be a string. |
WDE0045 | Invalid {operator} parameter value {value}. Valid {operator} parameter types are string, Number or Date. | The argument passed to this method must be a string, number, or date object. |
WDE0046 | Invalid {operator} parameter values {first} and {second}. Both parameters must be of the same type. | The arguments to this method must be of the same type. |
WDE0047 | Invalid {operator} usage. {operator} supports only number, string or date items. | The arguments to this method must be strings, numbers, or date objects. |
WDE0048 | Invalid {operator} field value {field}. {operator} field must be a string. | This field value must be a string. |
WDE0049 | Invalid {operator} parameter {obj}. {operator} expects {constructor name} only. | The argument passed to this method must be a valid Wix Data Query object. |
WDE0050 | Invalid {operator} parameter query for {collection name}. {operator} accepts {constructor name} for the same collection only. | You can only chain methods that query the same collection. |
WDE0051 | Invalid {operator} parameters {effective arguments}. Valid {operator} values are string, array of strings, or varargs string. | This method expects a string, an array of strings, or multiple strings (varargs) separated by commas. For example: ("key1", "key2") . |
WDE0052 | The current site is in template mode. Please save it to modify data. | To modify collection data on a site created from a template, make sure to save the site first. |
WDE0053 | Internal wixData error: {error message} | An unexpected error occurred. If the error persists, contact support. |
WDE0054 | WD_UNKNOWN_ERROR | An internal server error. Try running your code again. |
WDE0055 | Failed to parse server response. | Wix Data could not parse the server response. Try querying again. |
WDE0056 | {fieldPath}.{operator} should be an Object. Got {value} instead. | The argument passed to this method must be a valid object. Learn more about data types in Wix Data. |
WDE0057 | {fieldPath}.{operator} should be an Array. Got {value} instead. | The argument passed to this method must be a valid array. Learn more about data types in Wix Data. |
WDE0058 | {fieldPath}.{operator} should be a Date, number, or string. Got {value} instead. | The argument passed to this method must be a valid date object, a number, or a string. Learn more about data types in Wix Data. |
WDE0059 | {fieldPath}.{operator} should be a string. Got {value} instead | The argument passed to this method must be a valid string. Learn more about data types in Wix Data. |
WDE0060 | {fieldPath}.{operator} array should only contain values of types date, number, and string. Got {value} instead. | The array can only contain dates, objects, numbers, and strings. Learn more about data types in Wix Data. |
WDE0061 | {$in} Array should have length 2, and match { String, Number }. Got {value} instead. | Invalid parameter types. Learn more about data types in Wix Data. |
WDE0062 | $matches value {value} does not have property {property name} | Wix Data error encountered. Try modifying your query. If this error persists, contact support. |
WDE0063 | $matches.ignoreCase should equal true. Got {value} instead | Wix Data error encountered. Try modifying your query. If this error persists, contact support. |
WDE0064 | $matches.spec array values should be either {{"type":"anyOf","value":" -"}} or {{"type":"literal","value":String}}. Got {value} instead | Wix Data error encountered. Try modifying your query. If this error persists, contact support. |
WDE0065 | Sort Model should be an Array. Got {value} instead. | Wix Data error encountered. Try modifying your query. If this error persists, contact support. |
WDE0066 | Sort Model Array should contain values of type Object only. Got {value} instead | Wix Data error encountered. Try modifying your query. If this error persists, contact support. |
WDE0067 | Sort Model Array items should have a single property with value "asc" or "desc". Got {value} instead | Wix Data error encountered. Try modifying your query. If this error persists, contact support. |
WDE0068 | Item IDs must be an array of strings. | Check that the Bulk Remove Data Items method received an array of strings representing the IDs of the items you want to remove.For example, ['ffdkj9c2-df8g-f9ke-lk98-4kjhfr89keedb', 'afthj8s4-dt7u-g4fr-at23-6joedh34awshy'] . |
WDE0069 | Failed to remove items from {collection name}. Cannot remove more than 1000 items in one request. | You tried to remove too many items from a collection at once. Split your request into batches of 1000 items or fewer. To remove all the items in a collection, use Truncate Data Items . |
WDE0070 | {regex} keyword is not allowed. | Wix Data error encountered. Try modifying your query. If this error persists, contact support. |
WDE0073 | Item {item ID} does not exist in collection {collection name}. | Check that an item with the ID you're requesting exists in the collection you're querying. |
WDE0074 | WD_ITEM_ALREADY_EXISTS | An item with the requested ID value already exists. This error occurs when you try to insert an item into a collection with an _id value that already exists in that collection. If you are trying to either insert a new item or update it if it already exists, use Save Data Item . |
WDE0075 | WD_BAD_REQUEST | This error occurs when you make an invalid request using the Aggregate Data Items method. |
WDE0076 | Validation error. {error message from Wix app collection or external database} | A request to a Wix app collection or an external database that you're working with returned with an error. Check that the data requests in your code are valid. |
WDE0077 | 'limit' cannot exceed {maximum query limit} | The query limit you provided is greater than the maximum supported by the collection. Provide a lower value. |
WDE0078 | Hook error. | The code for one of your data hook methods threw an error. For example, consider an afterInsert data hook method in a backend/data.js file that includes this line of code: throw new Error("sample error message") Once you define this hook, calling the insert() method results in the WDE0078 error. |
WDE0079 | {your collection name} is a single item collection and item must have id {expected ID}, but got {received ID} instead. | The item in a single item collection has a fixed _id value. Check that you aren't trying to change this value in your code. You can find the item's _id value using the CMS or by calling Query Data Items without any filters. |
WDE0080 | { Multiple possible values.} | This error occurs when you make an API call with invalid arguments. For example, if you use the Query Data Items method without specifying a collection ID. |
WDE0091 | Database quota exceeded. Delete some data and try again. | Your site has exceeded the collection storage quota. Learn more about this quota and what you can do to resolve this issue. |
WDE0092 | Dataset is too large to sort. | The data you tried to sort didn't fit into memory. This usually occurs when large items are being sorted or there are too many items being sorted to fit into memory at once. Add an index to your collection to avoid using up memory. |
WDE0093 | Invalid filter for _publishStatus field, only .eq and .ne filters are allowed with 'DRAFT' and 'PUBLISHED' possible values. | When you enable the Draft and Publish Items feature for a collection, a _publishStatus field is added to every item in that collection. If you want to filter a data request based on this field, you can only use the eq() and ne() operators. The only valid values for _publishedStatus are 'DRAFT' and 'PUBLISHED' . Check that your code isn't using other filter operators with _publishedStatus . |
WDE0094 | Invalid {operator} parameter. {operator} parameter must be non-empty string. | The argument passed to this method must be a non-empty string. |
WDE0109 | Payload is too large. | The request is too big. Consider restructuring your data. If you are attempting to store a media file, consider using the Wix Media API. |
WDE0110 | WD_BAD_REQUEST. | System error. Please try running your code again. |
WDE0111 | GridAppId must be provided in SANDBOX segment | To resolve this error, reload your site in the browser. |
WDE0115 | WD_UNKNOWN_ERROR | Your external database requested an unsupported data operation. |
WDE0116 | WD_UNKNOWN_ERROR | Your external database responded to Wix with an error. |
WDE0117 | MetaSiteId can not be resolved. | System error. Please try running your code again. |
WDE0118 | GridAppId {app ID} not found in instance {instance ID}. | Request provided an invalid gridAppId. To resolve this error, reload your site in the browser. |
WDE0120 | {your collection name} does not support {method name} operation. | Some specialized collections, like the ones that hold data for Wix apps, don't support the full data API. This error occurs when you try to call a method that isn't supported by a specific collection. Remove the unsupported method call from your code. |
WDE0121 | Sorting by multiple array fields is not supported | If there are multiple fields in your collection that contain arrays, you can't sort by both of them at once. For example, consider a collection item that includes a field called A whose value is [1,2,3] and a field called B whose value is [3,2,1] . In this case, attempting to sort by both A and B at once results in an error. If your collection contains multiple fields that are arrays, check that you aren't trying to sort using more than one at once. |
WDE0123 | Duplicated values cannot be added to a field with a unique index. | When you add a unique index to a collection, each value for the indexed field in that collection must be unique. This error occurs when you try to add a duplicate value for the field. To resolve the error, use a unique value. |
WDE0128 | WD_UNKNOWN_ERROR | Your external database adaptor tried to create a collection item with no _id field. Check that any item created by an external adaptor contains this field. |
WDE0131 | External database connection '{namespace}' does not exist. | This external database connection does not exist. Learn more about integrating external colletions with your Wix site. |
WDE0133 | Document field is too large to index, exceeds 1024 bytes. | This error occurs when you try to add a value to an indexed field that, together with other indexed fields, becomes too large. The total size of all indexed field values per item must be 1024 bytes or less. Learn more about working with indexes in your collections. |
WDE0134 | Field names with dollar ($) prefix are not allowed. | This error occurs when you try to add a field to a collection with a $ at the beginning of its name. To resolve this error, remove the $ from the name. |
WDE0144 | Issue with processing data. | You don't have permission to perform this action. Ask the collection administrator for the required permissions. |
WDE0149 | Internal application error. | This error occurs when a Wix app collection fails with a system or unrecognized error. To resolve the error, retry the request. If the request fails, contact support. |
WDE0150 | Data hook syntax error. | This error occurs when your data.js file, or any other file it imports from, contains a JavaScript syntax error. To resolve this error, fix syntax errors in the JavaScript codebase. |
WDE0151 | Incorrect cursor provided. | Pagination error occurred: the query's cursor paging property contains an invalid cursor. Query the collection again to create a new cursor. |
WDE0152 | Cursor is expired. | Pagination error occurred: the query's cursor paging property contains an expired cursor. Query the collection again to create a new cursor. |
WDE0153 | Reference {property in referencing collection} from {referencing item id} to {referenced item id} does not exist. | You are attempting to remove a multi-reference that does not exist. Check that the reference is correct. |
WDE0154 | The data collection share policy with ID {id} was not found. | A data sharing error occurred. Learn more about sharing collections across sites. |
WDE0155 | Data collection is already shared. | The specified data collection is already shared with this site. Learn more about sharing collections across sites. |
WDE0156 | Data collection {collection name} is not shared. | The specified collection is not shared with this site. Learn more about sharing collections across sites. |
WDE0157 | Field {property name} cannot be translated as {field type} data type is not translatable. | This field cannot be translated because its type is not supported by Wix Multilingual. For example, field types such as Video and Number cannot be marked as translatable. Learn more about how Wix Multilingual works with the CMS. |
WDE0158 | Multilingual plugin must have at least one translatable field. | To enable Wix Multilingual, mark at least one field as translatable. Learn more about translation eligibility requirements for collections. |
WDE0159 | Invalid query on {collection name}. There is no prev page. | You are viewing the first page of results and cannot call prev() . If necessary, try running a different query. |
WDE0160 | Index already exists as a system index. | The field you are attempting to index is a system field for which Wix Data already has an index. |
WDE0161 | Data collection {collection name} is not multilingual. | You are querying translated content, but the collection is not translatable. Add this collection to Wix Multilingual, or select a translatable collection. Learn more about translating CMS collection content. |
WDE0162 | Language {language} is not enabled for data collection {collection name}. | The requested language is not available for this collection. Enable this language in Wix Multilingual. Learn more about managing languages in a multilingual site. |
WDE0163 | Invalid value for the page link {field name}: {cause for error}. | The value of this Page Link field does not conform to the dynamic URL slug structure. Learn more about URL slug structures. |
WDE0164 | The index {index name} with the same fields already exists in collection {collection id}. | An index already exists in this collection for the same fields. To create another index, select different fields. |
WDE0165 | Invalid query on {collection name}. There is no next page. | You are viewing the last page of results and cannot call next() . If necessary, try running a different query. |
WDE0167 | Aggregation item field name cannot end with . | Cannot apply aggregation to a field that ends with a dot character . . Change the field name or select another field to aggregate. |
WDE0168 | Document nesting level is too deep | A data item can contain up to 50 levels of nesting. Restructure the item to contain 50 nested levels or less. |
WDE0169 | Filter nesting level is too deep | A filter can contain up to 50 levels of nesting. Restructure your filter to contain 50 nested levels or less. |
WDE0170 | Data collection change is not supported. | This external collection does not support this change. Check the external database's documentation to learn what modifications it supports. |
WDE0171 | Application not installed to access the {collection id} collection | The collection you are attempting to query was created by a Wix app, but that app is no longer installed on your site. |
WDE0172 | Data hook execution throttled. | The data hook was blocked due to built-in request limitations. Learn more about backend requests. |
WDE0173 | Aggregation item field name cannot be empty. | Cannot apply aggregation to an unnamed field. Learn more about working with aggregations. |
WDE0174 | Multilingual is not supported in a Sandbox environment. | Sandbox collections do not support translated content. To view translated content, use Wix Multilingual on Live collections. |
WDE0175 | Updates to translatable collections are not supported in the non-primary language {language}. | When viewed in a non-primary language, translatable collections do not allow inserting or updating items. Only updates to non-translatable collections are allowed when viewing in a non-primary language. |
WDE0176 | Inserting data to index with multiple array fields is not supported. | When two or more arrays are included in a collection index, they cannot accept new items. |
WDE0177 | The current user does not have permissions to {action} in Sandbox environment on the {collectionName} collection. | The current user does not have sufficient permissions to perform this action in the collection's sandbox environment. Learn more about CMS collection permissions. |
WDE0178 | Invalid document revision. | Error encountered while updating the item. Try calling the method again. |
WDE0179 | Sandbox environment is disabled. | The collection's sandbox environment is disabled. |
WDE0180 | Response payload is too large. | The response payload too large. Try again, or modify your request to retrieve a smaller response. |