Bulk Patch Data Items

Developer Preview

This API is subject to change. Bug fixes and new features will be released based on developer feedback throughout the preview period.

Patches one or more items in a collection.

This method modifies the existing data of one or more items. Unlike Bulk Update Data Item, only the fields specified in the request are modified. Data that isn't explicitly modified remains unchanged.

To patch items, specify the ID of the collection that contains them. For each item, specify its ID and the modifications you want to apply. If the item is found in the specified collection with the specified ID, that item is patched. If no such item is found, the response's results array contains a corresponding item whose itemMetadata.error property contains details about the error.

Learn more about Wix Data error codes.



You can only call this method when authenticated as a Wix app or Wix user identity.

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This method doesn’t return any custom errors, but may return standard errors. Learn more about standard Wix errors.

Event TriggersThis method triggers the following events:
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