In-App Purchases


Returns information about the user’s purchase history.

Before using this API endpoint, learn more about how to implement in-app purchases.


NameData TypeParameter TypeDescription
appDefId (required)StringHeader/QueryApp ID, as specified in the Developers Center. If you are sending this field through the header: prefix the field value with x-wix-
instanceId (required)StringHeader/QueryThe app’s instanceId in this site (a GUID). If you are sending this field through the header: prefix the field value with x-wix-
signature (required)StringHeader/QueryThe computed signature. If you are sending this field through the header: prefix the field value with x-wix-
timestamp (required)DateHeader/QueryThe timestamp, as an ISO 8601 timestamp. If you are sending this field through the header: prefix the field value with x-wix-
version (required)IntegerQueryThe specific version of this endpoint. This version uses semantic versioning, in the form of major.minor.path. Latest version is 1.0.0.


This endpoint returns an array of objects, where each object is a purchase or upgrade made in your app (for a given instanceId).

purchaseIdString (UUID)Unique identifier for this purchase on Wix’s database (used for support, issuing a refund, etc)
vendorProductIdStringName of the in-app product that was purchased
datePurchasedDatePurchase date, as an ISO 8601 timestamp

Response Example:

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