Add to Cart

Triggered when user clicks on the Add to cart button.

Add to Cart: Event Properties

originstringWix App that emitted this event, such as "Stores" or "Bookings."
idGUIDProduct ID.
namestringProduct name.
pricenumberProduct price.
currencycurrencyDefault site currency in ISO-4217 format.
quantitynumberProduct quantity.
skustringProduct Stock Keeping Unit (SKU).
typestringProduct type. Possible values are physical and digital.
brandstringProduct brand.
visitorIdGUIDSite visitor ID.
_internalEventIdGUIDEvent ID.
isPremiumbooleanWhether the Wix site is a Premium site.
userIdGUIDWix user ID.
metaSiteIdGUIDWix site ID.


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