Initiate Checkout

Triggered when the Buy Now button is clicked.

Initiate Checkout: Event Properties

originstringWix App that emitted this event, such as "Stores" or "Bookings."
idGUIDProduct ID.
namestringProduct name.
pricenumberTotal price of all items in the checkout process.
currencycurrencyCurrency in ISO-4217 format.
quantitynumberNumber of items in checkout process.
skustringProduct Stock Keeping Unit (SKU).
typestringProduct type. Possible values are physical and digital.
brandstringProduct brand.
checkoutIdGUIDCheckout ID.
contentsarray of objectsProducts in the checkout process.
contents.idGUIDProduct ID.
contents.namestringProduct name.
contents.pricenumberProduct price.
contents.currencycurrencyCurrency in ISO-4217 format.
contents.quantitynumberProduct quantity.
visitorIdGUIDSite visitor ID.
_internalEventIdGUIDEvent ID.
isPremiumbooleanWhether the Wix site is a Premium site.
userIdGUIDWix user ID.
metaSiteIdGUIDWix site ID.


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