iframe Query Parameters for Extensions

Internal dashboard extension

endpointThe Dashboard URL, as supplied when you registered your app in the Wix Developers Center.
instanceThe signed instanceThe App Instance ID (instanceId) is the unique identifier of your app within a specific user's website.
localeCurrent local valueThis is the browser's language identified with two characters. E.g., English = en
cacheKillerThe cacheKiller is there to ensure no caching of the iframe content by the host browserThis is a randomly generated number to ensure the browser has not seen this URL before
viewModeWill only get 'dashboard' as it's an iframe dashboard extension
isPublishBoolean indicating if the site is published
containerProtocolIndicates if it's HTTP or HTTPS
siteUrlThe address of the site the app belongs toRelevant only if the site has already been published

Widget extension


Widget iframe extensions aren't available for all users right now. If you'd like to request access you can submit a proposal.

endpointThe Widget URL as supplied during the app registration in the Wix Developers Center
compIdThe ID of the Widget extensionWhile the instanceId remain constant within the scope of the site, each iframe will have a unique and persistent compId
viewModeCurrent view mode"editor" or "site". "editor" is valid inside the Wix editor, while "site" is available only in a published website
deviceTypeCurrent device type"desktop" or "mobile"
localeCurrent locale value
originCompIdID of the original widget that the user copied (or cut)When a user copies (or cuts) a widget, this query parameter appears in the pasted widget. Use it to retrieve the original widget’s design, layout, and other settings
widthThe width of the iframe in pixels
instanceThe signed instanceThe App Instance ID (instanceId) is the unique identifier of your app within a specific user's website.

Widget app settings panel

endpointThe App Settings URL as supplied during the app registration in the Wix Developers Center
compIdThe compId value for the app settings is always tpaSettings
instanceThe signed instanceThe App Instance ID (instanceId) is the unique identifier of your app within a specific user's website.
localeCurrent locale value
originCompIdThe ID of the extension which associated with the App SettingsThe origCompId identifies the current extension that the user is editing
widthThe width of the iframe in pixels

Page extension

endpointThe Widget URL as supplied during the app registration in the Wix Developers Center
viewModeCurrent view mode"editor" or "site". "editor" is valid inside the Wix editor, while "site" is available only in a published website
deviceTypeCurrent device type"desktop" or "mobile"
localeCurrent locale valueThis is the browser's language identified with two characters. E.g., English = en
widthThe width of the iframe in pixelsThe frame height will auto-adjust depending on the frame content
```instance``The signed instanceThe App Instance ID (instanceId) is the unique identifier of your app within a specific user's website.
targetAttribute that must be added to all href anchors within the Page iframe
sectionUrlThe base URL of the page extension
app-stateThe inner state of the page extenionThe app-state part of the URL may include a query string, but must not include a #
compIdThe ID of the extensionWhile the instanceId remain constant within the scope of the site, each iframe will have a unique and persistent compId

Page app settings panel

endpointThe App Settings URL as supplied during the app registration in the Wix Developers Center
compIdThe compId value for the app settings is always tpaSettings
instanceThe signed instanceThe App Instance ID (instanceId) is the unique identifier of your app within a specific user's website.
localeCurrent locale valueThis is the browser's language identified with two characters. E.g., English = en
origCompIdThe ID of the extension which associated with the App SettingsThe origCompId identifies the current extension that the user is editing
widthThe width of the iframe in pixels

Worker extension

compIdThe ID of the Worker extensionWhile the instanceId remain constant within the scope of the site, each iframe will have a unique and persistent compId
viewModeCurrent view mode"editor" or "site". "editor" is valid inside the Wix editor, while "site" is available only in a published website
deviceTypeCurrent device type"desktop" or "mobile"
localeCurrent locale value
endpointTypeThe Worker URL as supplied during the app registration in the Dev Center
instanceThe signed instanceThe App Instance ID (instanceId) is the unique identifier of your app within a specific user's website.
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