Wix CLI for Apps

The Wix CLI for Apps is a tool for building apps on the Wix Platform. It is a more streamlined alternative to building apps using the Wix Developers Center. The CLI provides you with a familiar developer experience including all the tooling and building blocks needed to create rich and powerful apps, with minimal setup and configuration. The apps you develop empower millions of Wix users to take their sites and businesses to the next level.

Developer Preview

The current version of the Wix CLI for Apps is a developer preview version with limited functionality. Features and functionality in developer preview are subject to change and are not intended for use in production.

Currently, the CLI can be used for creating dashboard pages. The CLI can also be used in conjunction with the Developers Center to develop fully featured apps.

We're actively working on improving the CLI, adding features, and providing comprehensive documentation. Help us improve the CLI by providing feedback and suggestions and join our community of Wix App developers on our Discord server.

Wix Apps

Wix Apps are extensions of the Wix Platform that allow Wix users to extend the functionality of their sites and businesses.

To learn more about Wix Apps, see Wix for App Developers.

Wix CLI for Apps app framework

The CLI provides an opinionated approach to building Wix Apps. It allows you to focus on your own business logic without having to worry about the best way to integrate your app into the Wix platform. In fact, the Wix CLI for Apps is the same tool that Wix's own developers use to create Wix Apps.

The app framework created by the CLI allows you to define visual extensions using React components and the Wix Design System, integrate into the Wix Platform just like Wix's own apps, work with Wix APIs, and more.

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