About Extensions

Important: ‘Components’ are now ‘Extensions’

Along with a new name, we’ve improved the way you add extensions. Now you can use search, filters, and more. You may see both terms referenced while we modify our documentation.

There are two main types of extension: website and dashboard. All apps must have at least one extension, but you can have two or more.

You can find the Extensions tab in the Wix Developers Center. This is where you add and connect your extensions to the Wix system.

Click Add Extension to get started.


All new apps that use an OAuth access token will need to have at least one dashboard extension.

Live Site Extensions

A live site extension is an element on the user’s live website, and its purpose is to help Wix users engage with or enhance the experience of site visitors.

Custom Element (Beta)

An HTML custom element lets users drag and drop a visual extension to exactly where they want them on their site. Once a user has added it to the Wix Editor, the extension will be moveable and resizable, giving users full visual control over the extension.

Learn more about Custom Elements

Embedded Script

This lets your app insert custom script tags to the tag of your users' websites. They can only be added by the owners of Premium Wix sites with connected domains.

Learn more about Embedded Scripts.


This is a full-page extension that's added to the user's live site. It appears in the main navigation menu and behaves just like any other page. A page extension can have internal pages, each with its own URL – so it’s ideal for apps that use deep linking (like a blog, forum, or eCommerce store). To build a page extension you'll need to create an App Settings panel.

Learn more about Page Extensions.


A Worker extension is a hidden iframe that allows you to run background JavaScript on each page of a live site. This lets you track site visitor activity and manage background tasks. This invisible iframe is added to both the Wix Editor and the live site. As users can’t see this extension, you need to combine it with a visible extension, like a widget or dashboard. You'll need to create a new endpoint, and add a reference to our SDK.


Note: This functionality isn't available for all users right now. If you'd like to request access you can submit a proposal.

A small element that can be added to any or all pages of an existing website. Standard widgets can be placed anywhere on a page; pinned widgets are automatically placed in a specific location on a page.

Learn more about Widget extensions.

Dashboard Extensions

These are back-office services that can help users manage their business or website. They won't be seen on the user's live site.

Dashboard Page

A back-office page for your app that's embedded in the Wix Dashboard. This should to help users manage their business or website.

Learn more about Dashboard Pages

Dashboard Page (Blocks)

Similar to the above, but built using Wix Blocks using elements from the Wix Design System.

External URL

An external dashboard hosted in your platform or site, with a link from the user's Wix dashboard.

Learn more about External URLs

Dashboard Extension

A Wix dashboard extension is an app that integrates with an existing Wix app's dashboard page (e.g., Wix Stores). There are two types of dashboard extension:

  • iFrame widget: your app will be rendered in a container with a Wix app's dashboard page.
  • Menu item: your app will appear in a Wix app's dashboard menu, linking out to your app.

Learn more about Dashboard Extensions.

Next steps

Now you know a bit about the types of extensions you can build for Wix, you may want to check out how to set up the relevant OAuth, webhooks, and APIs for your app.

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