Velo: Enabling Custom Site Registration

Velo allows you to create a custom site registration form using code.  After creating a custom site registration form, you must enable custom site registration so your visitors will be directed to your custom form.

Note To learn about creating a custom member signup form without code, click here.

To enable custom site registration using Velo forms:

  1. Add a lightbox to your site.
  2. Create a custom registration form in the lightbox using Velo. Note your member signup settings when creating the form. Member signup settings include whether a new member may join and log in immediately or needs to wait for a manual approval.
  3. Enable Velo Form signup settings:
    1. Click Pages on the left side of the Editor.
    2. Click Signup & Login.
    3. Click Member Signup Form (Wix Editor), or Signup (Wix Studio).
    4. Click the drop-down menu and select Velo Form. Note that for this option to be available, you need to enable Dev Mode (Wix Editor), or click Code icon and then Start Coding (Wix Studio).
    5. Choose the lightbox from the What does it link to? drop-down menu.
    6. Select Advanced Settings and enable the Only allow backend calls for Signup and Login APIs setting. To enable this setting, note that you must complete steps 4 and 5 for the Member Login Form (located under the Login tab in Wix Studio).
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