Velo: Wix Marketing "Coupons" Collection Fields

Tip: Before continuing, make sure you've read Working with Wix App Collections.

To use the Coupons collection in code, refer to it as "Marketing/Coupons".

wixData .query("Marketing/Coupons") .find() .then((results) => { // handle the results });

This document describes the permissions and fields in your Coupons collection.


The Coupons collection has the following permissions:

  • Read: Admin 
  • Create: None
  • Update: None
  • Delete: None

You cannot change the Coupons collection's permissions. 


Note: This app collection contains read-only fields that cannot be managed from the collection. You can update the fields from the relevant app in your site’s dashboard.

The field name is listed as the heading of each section, with the field ID listed in parentheses, like this: Name (name). The fields appear in this document in the order in which they appear in your collection by default.

ID (_id)

Description: The ID of the coupon. This is a system field and is hidden by default.

Type: Text

Can connect to data: Yes

Can use in dynamic page URL: Yes

Can be sorted: Yes

Can be filtered: eq, ne, hasSome, contains, startsWith

Read-only: Yes

Name (name)

Description: Name of the coupon.

Type: Text

Can connect to data: Yes

Can use in dynamic page URL: No

Can be sorted: Yes

Can be filtered: eq, ne, hasSome, contains, startsWith

Read-only: Yes

Code (code)

Description: Coupon code.

Type: Text

Can connect to data: Yes

Can use in dynamic page URL: No

Can be sorted: Yes

Can be filtered: eq, ne, hasSome, contains, startsWith

Read-only: Yes

Start Time (startTime)

Description: Start date and time of the coupon.

Type: Date and Time

Can connect to data: Yes

Can use in dynamic page URL: No

Can be sorted: Yes

Can be filtered: eq, ne, hasSome, lt, lte, gt, gte

Read-only: Yes

Expiration Time (expirationTime)

Description: End date and time of the coupon.

Type: Date and Time

Can connect to data: Yes

Can use in dynamic page URL: No

Can be sorted: Yes

Can be filtered: eq, ne, hasSome, lt, lte, gt, gte

Read-only: Yes

Usage Limit (usageLimit)

Description: Maximum number of times a coupon can be used.

Type: Number

Can connect to data: Yes

Can use in dynamic page URL: No

Can be sorted: Yes

Can be filtered: eq, ne, hasSome, lt, lte, gt, gte

Read-only: Yes

Limit Per Customer (limitPerCustomer)

Description: Maximum number of times the coupon can be used per customer.

Type: Number

Can connect to data: Yes

Can use in dynamic page URL: No

Can be sorted: Yes

Can be filtered: eq, ne, hasSome, lt, lte, gt, gte

Read-only: Yes

Applies to Subscriptions (appliesToSubscriptions)


Type: Boolean

Can connect to data: Yes

Can use in dynamic page URLCan be sorted: No

Can be filtered: Yes Read-only: Yes

Limited To One Item (limitedToOneItem)

Description: Indicates whether the coupon is limited to 1 discount per order. If true and a customer buys multiple items that the coupon applies to, only the lowest priced item is discounted.

Type: Boolean

Can connect to data:

Can use in dynamic page URL: No

Can be sorted: No

Can be filtered: eq, ne

Read-only: Yes

Note: This field only applies to coupons with Type "moneyOffAmount" or "percentOffRate".

Active (active)

Description: Indicates whether the coupon is currently active.

Type: Boolean

Can connect to data: Yes

Can use in dynamic page URL: No

Can be sorted: No

Can be filtered: eq, ne Read-only: Yes

Minimum Subtotal (minimumSubtotal)

Description: The coupon can be used when the order subtotal is over this amount.

Type: Number

Can connect to data: Yes

Can use in dynamic page URL: No

Can be sorted: Yes

Can be filtered: eq, ne, hasSome, lt, lte, gt, gte

Read-only: Yes

Scope (scope)

Description: Scope for the coupon as defined in a JSON object.

Type: JSON

Can connect to data: No

Can use in dynamic page URL: No

Can be sorted: No

Can be filtered: No

Read-only: Yes

{ "namespace": "string", "group": { "name": "string", "entityId": "string" } }

The following table lists the available options for Namespace and Group:


You can define the scope for a coupon as an entire namespace, a group within a namespace, or an item within a group. See the examples below.

Example: Scope for the coupon is defined as all products sold in your store.

{ "namespace": "stores" }

Example: Scope for the coupon is defined as a specific product sold in your store.

{ "namespace": "stores", "group": { "name": "product", "entityId": "82921602-92d2-1787-08c8-207d12ef41d2" // ID of product } }

Since the events namespace has both ticket and event groups, and you can't apply a single coupon to all tickets and events at the same time, you can't define the scope as just the namespace events. For events you need to define the scope as a group or a specific item in a group.

Example: Scope for the coupon is defined as all tickets for events.

{ "namespace": "events", "group": { "name": "ticket" } }

Filtering with Scope

You can filter using one of 3 scopes:

  • "scope.namespace"
  • ""
  • ""

Filtering Example: Query the Coupons collection for coupons within the Stores namespace.

wixData.query("Marketing/Coupons").eq("scope.namespace", "stores");

Filtering Example: Query the Coupons collection for coupons applied to a specific product.

wixData .query("Marketing/Coupons") .eq("", "82921602-92d2-1787-08c8-207d12ef41d2");

Type (type)

Description: The type of coupon (see note for available options).

Type: Text

Can connect to data: Yes

Can use in dynamic page URL: No

Can be sorted: No

Can be filtered: eq, ne, hasSome

Read-only: Yes

Note: The "type" value is one of the following:

  • "BuyXGetY" - Free products when making a purchase
  • "FixedPrice" - Specific sale price
  • "FreeShipping" - Free shipping
  • "MoneyOff" - Fixed price discount
  • "PercentOff" - Discount as a percentage

Buy X Get Y (buyXGetY)

Description: A JSON object representing X and Y in the following scenario: if a visitor purchases X number of products, they receive Y number of products for free.

Type: JSON

Can connect to data: No

Can use in dynamic page URL: No

Can be sorted: No

Can be filtered: No

Read-only: Yes

{ "x": 3, "y": 1 }

Fixed Price Amount (fixedPriceAmount)

Description: A specific sale price.

Type: Number

Can connect to data: Yes

Can use in dynamic page URL: No

Can be sorted: No

Can be filtered: No

Read-only: Yes

Free Shipping (freeShipping)

Description: Indicates whether shipping is free.

Type: Boolean

Can connect to data: Yes

Can use in dynamic page URL: No

Can be sorted: No

Can be filtered: No

Read-only: Yes

Money Off Amount (moneyOffAmount)

Description: A fixed amount subtracted from the original price.

Type: Number

Can connect to data: Yes

Can use in dynamic page URL: No

Can be sorted: No

Can be filtered: No

Read-only: Yes

Percent Off Rate (percentOffRate)

Description: A percentage subtracted from the original price.

Type: Number

Can connect to data: Yes

Can use in dynamic page URL: No

Can be sorted: No

Can be filtered: No

Read-only: Yes

Date Created (_dateCreated)

Description: The date the coupon was created.

Type: Date and Time

Can connect to data: Yes

Can use in dynamic page URL: No

Can be sorted: Yes

Can be filtered: eq, ne, hasSome, lt, lte, gt, gte

Read-only: Yes

Number of Usages (numberOfUsages)

Description: The total number of times a coupon was used by all customers.

Type: Number

Can connect to data: Yes

Can use in dynamic page URL: No

Can be sorted: Yes

Can be filtered: eq, ne, hasSome, lt, lte, gt, gte

Read-only: Yes

Expired (expired)

Description: Indicates whether the expiration time passed and the coupon is expired.

Type: Boolean

Can connect to data: Yes

Can use in dynamic page URL: No

Can be sorted: No

Can be filtered: eq, ne

Read-only: Yes

Display Data (displayData)

Description: Display information for the item the coupon is applicable for defined as a JSON object (e.g. a Stores product or a Bookings service).

Type: JSON

Can connect to data: No

Can use in dynamic page URL: No

Can be sorted: No

Can be filtered: Yes

Read-only: Yes

Note: This field is only relevant when the coupon is applied to a specific item. When the coupon is applied to all items in a group (e.g. all products), Display Data is empty. 

"displayData": { "formattedPrice": "string", "mediaItem": "string", "name": "string" }

App ID (appId)

Description: The ID of the 3rd-party app that created the coupon. Empty if created by the site owner.

Type: Text

Can connect to data: No

Can use in dynamic page URL: No

Can be sorted: Yes

Can be filtered: Yes

Read-only: Yes

Use the following APIs to work with data from the Coupons collection:

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