View Logs using Wix Logs

Wix Logs allow you to view logs in real-time, and you can pause, resume, or clear the log stream. Logs contain metadata as well as the log's payload message.


View the logs

  1. In the site dashboard, click Developer Tools > Logging Tools.

  2. In the Wix Logs section, click Open. The Wix Logs page opens.

  3. To generate a log, preview or publish your site and trigger an event that generates a log. For example, if you have a button that, when clicked, logs the result of 2 multiplied numbers, click the button. The logs indicating success appear in the Wix Logs page:

    Similarly, if not successful, the logs might display as follows:

    Tip: If the live log stream does not appear, refresh your site while the Wix Logs page is open in another tab.

    By default, each log displayed in the Wix Logs page includes the following fields:

    ColumnDescriptionLog object property
    LevelLog's severity level. Possible values are:

    TimeTimestamp when the log was triggered.receiveTimestamp
    MessageLog's payload message in JSON format.jsonPayload.message
    Source filePath to the source file that generated the log message.sourceLocation.file
  4. You can change the view to suit your needs:

    • To change the order of columns or display additional ones, such as the operation ID and the data stream, click customize-icon.

    • Filter the log messages by:

      • Stream. Filter by preview, live site, or both.

      • Level. Limit the logs by info, warning, error, or debug.

    • Find specific logs by providing search criteria.

  5. To view additional details for a log, hover over it and click View. See the log object structure for an explanation of each field.

  6. To copy the object in JSON format, click ellipsis-icon and then Copy JSON.

See also

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