Velo: Working with Collaborators

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When you develop a site using Velo, you may want other people to collaborate on the site or you may want to transfer the site to someone else but maintain your ability to collaborate on it.

Allow Other People to Collaborate on Your Site

You can let other people collaborate on your site's code and functionality by adding them as Collaborators to your site. It is not necessary to transfer ownership of the site to them.

Collaborators need to be assigned a role that has Edit Site permissions to be able to edit the site and add or edit code. It is not necessary to give a collaborator Publish permissions for them to be able to edit the site code. Note that if the collaborator adds functionality that can only be tested on the live site, they won't be able to test it.

Transfer Ownership and Collaborate

Some Velo features are available to test only on a live site. You have to have access to the site so you can test and maintain the code you developed, even if it's for other users on their domain. 

You also may want to do more development that needs testing after the site has been published and is live. You may not want visitors to the site to access the pages that are under development and being tested.

To test and maintain a site developed for another user:

  1. When a site is ready for live testing, transfer ownership of the domain to the other user.
  2. Instruct the other user to invite you as a site collaborator.
  3. Ensure that you are added as a role that has Edit Site permissions from the options for collaborator roles. This allows you full access to the site, including its backend files and database collections.

To continue development on a live site once ownership is transferred:

  1. If you are working on a new page, add a page.

    If you are working on an existing page, duplicate the page

  2. Make sure the page is hidden in the menu so site visitors won't be able to access it while it's being developed and tested. (Note that a hidden page on a published site can still be accessed by modifying the URL.)

  3. Once you are finished with development and testing, make the page visible. If it replaces a page, delete the old page. 

The following are some considerations for when different users work on a site developed in Velo in the Editor. 

Site and Element Considerations When Working on a Live Site for Another User

If you create a site with Velo for someone else that you can both edit, you need to understand the limitations of what you or the other user can do with the site and its elements. 


If you duplicate an individual page or an entire site, or if you or the other user clones or transfers a site, the code and events in the site are maintained in the new copy of the page or site.


  • If you or they copy and paste an element that has events associated with it, the new element will not work as expected since the event wiring and code is not copied. 
  • If you or they copy and paste an element that is connected to a dataset, the new element maintains the connection settings from the element it was copied from.
  • If you or they move an element from one page to another, the element will not work as expected since the associated code and wiring is on the original page and is not moved to the new page.
  • If an element is connected to a dataset, and both are set to show on only one page, if the element is then set to Show on All Pages, the connection to the dataset is broken.
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