Velo: Wix Portfolio "Projects" Collection Fields

Note: This collection contains read-write fields.

Tip: Before continuing, make sure you've read Working with Wix App Collections.

To use the Projects collection in code, refer to it as "Portfolio/Projects".


This document describes the permissions and fields in your Projects collection.

Important: Trying to query more than 100 items exceeds the wix-data limit and results in an error.


The Projects collection has the following permissions:

  • Read: Anyone
  • Create: Admin
  • Update: Admin
  • Delete: Admin

You cannot change the Projects collection's permissions. 


The field name is listed as the heading of each section, with the field key listed in parentheses, like this: Name (name). The fields appear in this document in the order in which they appear in your collection by default.

ID (_id)

Description: The project ID created by the server. This is a system field and is hidden by default.

Type: Text

Can connect to data: Yes

Can use in dynamic page URL: Yes

Can be sorted: Yes

Can be filtered: eq, ne, hasSome, startsWith

Read-only: Yes

Required: No

Revision (revision)

Description: The current state of a project in the collection.

Type: Text

Can connect to data: Yes

Can use in dynamic page URL: No

Can be sorted: No

Can be filtered: No

Read-only: Yes

Required: No

Title (title)

Description: The title of the project.

Type: Text

Can connect to data: Yes

Can use in dynamic page URL: Yes

Can be sorted: Yes

Can be filtered: eq, ne, hasSome, startsWith

Read-write: Yes

Required: No

Description (description)

Description: The description of the project.

Type: Text

Can connect to data: Yes

Can use in dynamic page URL: Yes

Can be sorted: Yes

Can be filtered: eq, ne, hasSome, startsWith

Read-write: Yes

Required: No

Hidden (hidden)

Description: Whether the project is hidden.

Type: Boolean

Can connect to data: Yes

Can use in dynamic page URL: No

Can be sorted: No

Can be filtered: eq, ne, hasSome

Read-write: Yes

Required: No

Collection Ids (collectionIds)

Description: Array of collection IDs that the project belongs to.

Type: Array of Strings

Can connect to data: Yes

Can use in dynamic page URL: No

Can be sorted: No

Can be filtered: eq, ne, hasSome, hasAll

Read-write: Yes

Required: No

Details (details)

Description: The details of the project.

Type: Array of Objects Can connect to data: No

Can use in dynamic page URL: No

Can be sorted: No

Can be filtered: No

Read-write: Yes

Required: No


Slug (slug)

Description: The project's slug, which is its URL-friendly name that is unique across the portfolio.

Type: Text

Can connect to data: Yes

Can use in dynamic page URL: Yes

Can be sorted: Yes

Can be filtered: eq, ne, hasSome, startsWith

Read-write: Yes

Required: No

Created Date (_createdDate)

Description: The date the project was created. This is a system field and is hidden by default.

Type: Date

Can connect to data: Yes

Can use in dynamic page URL: No

Can be sorted: Yes

Can be filtered: eq, ne, hasSome, gt, lt

Read-only: Yes

Required: No

Updated Date (_updatedDate)

Description: The date the project was last updated. This is a system field and is hidden by default.

Type: Date

Can connect to data: Yes

Can use in dynamic page URL: No

Can be sorted: Yes

Can be filtered: eq, ne, hasSome, gt, lt

Read-only: Yes

Required: No

Url (url)

Description: The url of the project page.

Type: URL

Can connect to data: Yes

Can use in dynamic page URL: No

Can be sorted: No

Can be filtered: No

Read-only: Yes

Required: No

Seo Data (seoData)

Description: A JSON object that represents Seo data of the project.

Type: Object

Can connect to data: No

Can use in dynamic page URL: No

Can be sorted: No

Can be filtered: No

Read-write: Yes

Required: No


Synced Project (syncedProject)

Description: Indicates whether the project is synced with an external platform.

Type: Boolean

Can connect to data: Yes

Can use in dynamic page URL: No

Can be sorted: No

Can be filtered: No

Read-only: Yes

Required: No

Note: Synced projects are updated from their external platform on a daily basis.

Cover Image (coverImage)

Description: A JSON object that represents a project's cover image.

Type: Object

Can connect to data: Yes, by the cover image's focal points.

Can use in dynamic page URL: No

Can be sorted: No

Can be filtered: No

Read-write: Yes

Required: No


Cover Video (coverVideo)

Description: A JSON object that represents a project's cover video.

Type: Object

Can connect to data: Yes

Can use in dynamic page URL: No

Can be sorted: No

Can be filtered: No

Read-write: Yes

Required: No

Note: Currently not supported in the Wix Editor.

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