Tip: Before continuing, make sure you've read Working with Wix App Collections.
When you add a file from your Media Manager to your site, the 'Files' collection is automatically added to your site.
To use the Files collection in code, refer to it as "Media/Files"
.then((results) => {
// handle the results
Note: When using this collection, you can't set up the site to link to the next or previous dynamic page.
This document describes the permissions and fields in your Files collection.
The Files collection has the following permissions:
You cannot change the Files collection permissions.
Note: This app collection contains read-only fields that cannot be managed from the collection. You can update the fields from the relevant app in your site’s dashboard.
The field name is listed as the heading of each section, with the field ID listed in parentheses, like this: Name (name). The fields appear in this document in the order in which they appear in your collection by default.
Description: Unique File ID. This is a system field and is hidden by default. This is the Main field.
Type: Text
Can connect to data: Yes
Can use in dynamic page URL: No
Can be sorted: No
Can be filtered: eq
Read-only: Yes
Description: The file's media type, such as image and document.
Type: Text
Can connect to data: Yes
Can use in dynamic page URL: No
Can be sorted: No
Can be filtered: eq
Read-only: Yes
Description: The file's privacy setting.
Type: Boolean
Can connect to data: No
Can use in dynamic page URL: No
Can be sorted: No
Can be filtered: eq
Read-only: Yes
Description: The file's size in bytes.
Type: Number
Can connect to data: Yes
Can use in dynamic page URL: No
Can be sorted: No
Can be filtered: No
Read-only: Yes
Description: The file's mime type such as 'image/png', or 'audio/webm'.
Type: Text
Can connect to data: Yes
Can use in dynamic page URL: No
Can be sorted: No
Can be filtered: No
Read-only: Yes
Description: The file's Wix media URL.
Type: Text
Can connect to data: Yes
Can use in dynamic page URL: No
Can be sorted: No
Can be filtered: No
Read-only: Yes
Example URL: wix:image://v1/8b7eef_3deb121802514be7b698d0447559f9da~mv2.png/avatar-ga890ac591_1280.png#originWidth=1280&originHeight=1280
Description: The file's original file name.
Type: Text
Can connect to data: Yes
Can use in dynamic page URL: No
Can be sorted: No
Can be filtered: No
Read-only: Yes
Description: The file's checksum/hash.
Type: Text
Can connect to data: Yes
Can use in dynamic page URL: No
Can be sorted: No
Can be filtered: No
Read-only: Yes
Description: The file's labels assigned to the file by the Media Manager.
Type: Array of Strings
Can connect to data: No
Can use in dynamic page URL: No
Can be sorted: No
Can be filtered: No
Read-only: Yes
Description: The file's parent folder ID.
Type: String
Can connect to data: Yes
Can use in dynamic page URL: No
Can be sorted: No
Can be filtered: eq
Read-only: Yes
Description: Reference to the file's parent folder item, as listed in the Folders collection.
Type: Reference
Can connect to data: No
Can use in dynamic page URL: No
Can be sorted: No
Can be filtered: No
Read-only: Yes
Description: The file icon's URL.
Type: Text
Can connect to data: Yes
Can use in dynamic page URL: No
Can be sorted: No
Can be filtered: No
Read-only: Yes
Description: The file's icon as an image.
Type: Image
Can connect to data: Yes
Can use in dynamic page URL: No
Can be sorted: No
Can be filtered: No
Read-only: Yes
Description: The file's source URL, such as an external link where the file was imported from.
Type: Text
Can connect to data: Yes
Can use in dynamic page URL: No
Can be sorted: No
Can be filtered: No
Read-only: Yes
Description: The file's width in pixels.
Type: Number
Can connect to data: Yes
Can use in dynamic page URL: No
Can be sorted: No
Can be filtered: No
Read-only: Yes
Description: The file's height in pixels.
Type: Number
Can connect to data: Yes
Can use in dynamic page URL: No
Can be sorted: No
Can be filtered: No
Read-only: Yes
Description: Status of the file being uploaded, for example, 'READY' or 'IN-QUEUE'.
Type: Text
Can connect to data: Yes
Can use in dynamic page URL: No
Can be sorted: No
Can be filtered: No
Read-only: Yes
Description: Date and time the file was created. This is a system field and is hidden by default.
Type: Date
Can connect to data: Yes
Can use in dynamic page URL: No
Can be sorted: No
Can be filtered: No
Read-only: Yes
Description: Date and time the file was most recently updated (created or renamed). This is a system field and is hidden by default.
Type: Date
Can connect to data: Yes
Can use in dynamic page URL: No
Can be sorted: Yes
Can be filtered: No
Read-only: Yes