Velo: Wix Events "Events" Collection Fields

Tip: Before continuing, make sure you've read Working with Wix App Collections.

To use the Events collection in code, refer to it as "Events/Events".


This document describes the permissions and fields in your Events collection.


The Events collection has the following permissions:

  • Read: Anyone 
  • Create: None
  • Update: None
  • Delete: None

You cannot change the Events collection's permissions. 


Note: This app collection contains read-only fields that cannot be managed from the collection. You can update the fields from the relevant app in your site’s dashboard.

The field name is listed as the heading of each section, with the field ID listed in parentheses, like this: Name (name). The fields appear in this document in the order in which they appear in your collection by default.

ID (_id)

Description: The event ID that was created by the server. This is a system field and is hidden by default.

Type: Text

Can connect to data: Yes

Can use in dynamic page URL: No

Can be sorted: No

Can be filtered: Yes

Read-only: Yes

Title (title)

Description: The event's name.

Type: Text

Can connect to data: Yes

Can use in dynamic page URL: Yes

Can be sorted: Yes

Can be filtered: lt, lte, gt, gte, hasSome, urlized

Read-only: Yes

Slug (slug)

Description: The event's slug, which is its URL-friendly name that is unique across your site.

Type: Text

Can connect to data: Yes

Can use in dynamic page URL: Yes

Can be sorted: Yes

Can be filtered: eq, ne, lt, lte, gt, gte, hasSome, urlized

Read-only: Yes

Description (description)

Description: The short teaser specified in the Events Dashboard.

Type: Text

Can connect to data: Yes

Can use in dynamic page URL: No

Can be sorted: No

Can be filtered: No

Read-only: Yes

About (about)

Description: The information you entered in the "About Your Event" section of the Events Dashboard.

Type: Rich Text

Can connect to data: Yes

Can use in dynamic page URL: No

Can be sorted: No

Can be filtered: No

Read-only: Yes

Main Image (mainImage)

Description: Displays the image for this event.

Type: Image

Can connect to data: Yes

Can use in dynamic page URL: No

Can be sorted: No

Can be filtered: No

Read-only: Yes

Start (start)

Description: The start date and time of the event, if any. If the event schedule is TBD, this field is blank.

Type: Date and Time

Can connect to data: Yes

Can use in dynamic page URL: No

Can be sorted: Yes

Can be filtered: Yes

Read-only: Yes

End (end)

Description: The end date and time of the event, if any. If the event schedule is TBD, this field is blank.

Type: Date and Time

Can connect to data: Yes

Can use in dynamic page URL: No

Can be sorted: Yes

Can be filtered: Yes

Read-only: Yes

Time Zone (timeZoneId)

Description: The time zone for your event. If the event schedule is TBD, this field is blank.

Type: Text

Can connect to data: Yes

Can use in dynamic page URL: No

Can be sorted: No

Can be filtered: No

Read-only: Yes

Schedule TBD (scheduleTbd)

Description: Indicates whether the time of this event is marked as TBD.

Type: Boolean

Can connect to data: Yes

Can use in dynamic page URL: No

Can be sorted: No

Can be filtered: No

Read-only: Yes

Schedule Formatted (scheduleFormatted)

Description: If the event has a date and time, the event's date and time, formatted according to your local settings, are displayed. Otherwise, the TBD message from the Events Dashboard is displayed.

Type: Text

Can connect to data: Yes

Can use in dynamic page URL: No

Can be sorted: No

Can be filtered: No

Read-only: Yes

Start date formatted (scheduleStartDateFormatted)

Description: The event's start date, formatted to your local settings, are displayed. If the event schedule is TBD, this field is blank.

Type: Text

Can connect to data: Yes

Can use in dynamic page URL: No

Can be sorted: No

Can be filtered: No

Read-only: Yes

Start time formatted (scheduleStartTimeFormatted)

Description: The event's start time, formatted to your local settings, are displayed. If the event schedule is TBD, this field is blank.

Type: Text

Can connect to data: Yes

Can use in dynamic page URL: No

Can be sorted: No

Can be filtered: No

Read-only: Yes

Location Name (locationName)

Description: If the event has a location, that location is displayed. Otherwise, the TBD message from the Events Dashboard is displayed.

Type: Text

Can connect to data: Yes

Can use in dynamic page URL: No

Can be sorted: No

Can be filtered: No

Read-only: Yes

Location latitude (latitude)

Description: Event location address's latitude.


Can connect to data: Yes

Can use in dynamic page URL: No

Can be sorted: No

Can be filtered: No

Read-only: Yes

Location longitude (longitude)

Description: Event location address's longitude.

Type: Text

Can connect to data: Yes

Can use in dynamic page URL: No

Can be sorted: No

Can be filtered: No

Read-only: Yes

Location Address (locationAddress)

Description: The full address of the location. If the location is TBD, this field is blank.

Type: Text

Can connect to data: Yes

Can use in dynamic page URL: No

Can be sorted: No

Can be filtered: No

Read-only: Yes

Created (created)

Description: Displays the date and time the event was created.

Type: Date and Time

Can connect to data: Yes

Can use in dynamic page URL: No

Can be sorted: Yes

Can be filtered: No

Read-only: Yes

Modified (modified)

Description: Displays the date and time the event was last modified.

Type: Date and Time

Can connect to data: Yes

Can use in dynamic page URL: No

Can be sorted: Yes

Can be filtered: No

Read-only: Yes

Status (status)

Description: The current status of the event, as follows:

  • SCHEDULED: The event date is in the future.
  • STARTED: The event start time has arrived.
  • ENDED: The event end time has passed.
  • CANCELED: The event was canceled.

Type: Text

Can connect to data: Yes

Can use in dynamic page URL: No

Can be sorted: No

Can be filtered: eq, ne, hasSome

Read-only: Yes

Type (type)

Description: The type of event, as follows:

  • RSVP: The event is set up to accept RSVP registration via your Wix page.
  • TICKETS: The event is set up to sell tickets.
  • EXTERNAL: The event is set up to accept registration via an external page

Type: Text

Can connect to data: Yes

Can use in dynamic page URL: No

Can be sorted: No

Can be filtered: No

Read-only: Yes

Registration Status (registrationStatus)

Description: The registration status, as follows:

  • OPEN_RSVP: RSVP registration is open.
  • OPEN_TICKETS: Ticket sales for this event are open.
  • OPEN_EXTERNAL: RSVP registration or ticket sales are closed but registration via an external site is open.
  • OPEN-RSVP_WAITLIST: The RSVP list is full but requests can be added to a waitlist.
  • CLOSED: RSVP registration or ticket sales are closed.
  • CLOSED_MANUALLY: RSVP registration or ticket sales have been closed manually in the Events Dashboard.

Type: Text

Can connect to data: Yes

Can use in dynamic page URL: No

Can be sorted: No

Can be filtered: No

Read-only: Yes

Lowest Price Formatted (lowestPriceFormatted)

Description: The lowest price available, formatted with your currency.

  • If this event has RSVP registration or is external, this field is blank. 
  • If tickets are sold for this event, the lowest price available is displayed. 
  • If free tickets are offered, "Free" is displayed.

Type: Text

Can connect to data: Yes

Can use in dynamic page URL: No

Can be sorted: No

Can be filtered: No

Read-only: Yes

Highest Price Formatted (highestPriceFormatted)

Description: The highest price available, formatted with your currency.

  • If this event has RSVP registration, this field is blank. 
  • If tickets are sold for this event, the highest price available is displayed. 
  • If only free tickets are offered, "Free" is displayed.

Type: Text

Can connect to data: Yes

Can use in dynamic page URL: No

Can be sorted: No

Can be filtered: No

Read-only: Yes

Google Calendar URL (googleCalendarUrl)

Description: Displays an "Add to Google calendar" link to the event.

Type: URL

Can connect to data: Yes

Can use in dynamic page URL: No

Can be sorted: No

Can be filtered: No

Read-only: Yes

iCalendar URL (iCalendarUrl)

Description: Displays an iCalendar download link to the event.

Type: URL

Can connect to data: Yes

Can use in dynamic page URL: No

Can be sorted: No

Can be filtered: No

Read-only: Yes

Site Event Page URL (siteEventPageUrl)

Description: The event's URL-friendly name that is unique across your site.

Type: URL

Can connect to data: Yes

Can use in dynamic page URL: No

Can be sorted: No

Can be filtered: No

Read-only: Yes

Registration URL (registrationURL)

Description: Registration URL if registration for the Wix event managed externally. Guests go to this URL to register.

Type: URL

Can connect to data: Yes

Can use in dynamic page URL: No

Can be sorted: No

Can be filtered: No

Read-only: Yes

Creator ID (UserID)

Description: ID of the creator of the event. 

Type: Text

Can connect to data: Yes

Can use in dynamic page URL: No

Can be sorted: No

Can be filtered: Yes

Read-only: Yes

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