Velo: Wix Stores "InventoryItems" Collection Fields

Tip: Before continuing, make sure you've read Working with Wix App Collections.

To use the InventoryItems collection in code, refer to it as "Stores/InventoryItems".

wixData .query("Stores/InventoryItems") .find() .then((results) => { // handle the results });

This document describes the permissions and fields in your InventoryItems collection. 


  • You can query up to 100 items from the InventoryItems collection. Trying to query more than 100 items by raising the wix-data limit will result in an error.


The InventoryItems collection has the following permissions:

  • Read: Anyone 
  • Create: None
  • Update: None
  • Delete: None

You cannot change the InventoryItems collection's permissions. 


Note: This app collection contains read-only fields that cannot be managed from the collection. You can update the fields from the relevant app in your site’s dashboard.

The field name is listed as the heading of each section, with the field ID listed in parentheses, like this: Name (name). The fields appear in this document in the order in which they appear in your collection by default.

ID (_id)

Description: The inventory item ID (GUID) that was created by the server. This is a system field and is hidden by default.

Type: Text

Can connect to data: Yes

Can use in dynamic page URL: No

Can be sorted: No

Can be filtered: eq, ne, hasSome

Read-only: Yes

Updated Date (_updatedDate)

Description: Date and time the inventory item was last changed.

Type: Date and Time

Can connect to data: Yes

Can use in dynamic page URL: No

Can be sorted: Yes

Can be filtered: eq, ne, lt, lte, gt, gte, hasSome

Read-only: Yes

External ID (externalId)

Description: An external ID for the inventory ID in some other system.

Type: Text

Can connect to data: Yes

Can use in dynamic page URL: No

Can be sorted: No

Can be filtered: eq, ne, hasSome

Read-only: Yes

Product ID (productId)

Description: Unique identifier of the shopping cart.

Type: Text

Can connect to data: Yes

Can use in dynamic page URL:

Can be sorted: No

Can be filtered: eq

Read-only: Yes

Track Quantity (trackQuantity)

Description: Indicates whether inventory is tracked for this item.

Type: Boolean

Can connect to data: Yes

Can use in dynamic page URL: No

Can be sorted: No

Can be filtered: No

Read-only: Yes

Variants (variants)

Description: Displays the defined inventory item's variants and its inventory tracking information as a complex JSON object.

Type: Text

Can connect to data: No

Can use in dynamic page URL: No

Can be sorted: No

Can be filtered: No

Read-only: Yes

Format of the JSON object

{ "variantId" : "abc-123-456", "inStock" : true, "quantity" : 30 }, { "variantId" : "def-456-789", "inStock" : false }, { "variantId" : "ghi-789-000", "inStock" : true, "quantity" : 1 }

The following APIs can return data from the InventoryItems collection:

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