Velo: Wix Pricing Plans "PaidPlans/Plans" Collection Fields


To use the Plans collection in code, refer to it as "PaidPlans/Plans".

wixData .query("PaidPlans/Plans") .find() .then((results) => { // handle the results });

This document describes the properties and fields in your Plans collection.


The Plans collection has the following permissions:

  • Read: Anyone
  • Create: None
  • Update: None
  • Delete: None

You cannot change the Plans collection's permissions.


Note: This app collection contains read-only fields that cannot be managed from the collection. You can update the fields from the relevant app in your site's dashboard.

The field name is listed as the heading of each section, with the field ID listed in parentheses, like this: Name (name). The fields appear in this document in the order in which they appear in your collection by default.

ID (_id)

Description: The unique pricing plan ID that was created by the server. This is a system field and is hidden by default.
Type: Text
Can connect to data: Yes
Can use in dynamic page URL: No
Can be sorted: No
Can be filtered: eq, ne, hasSome, contains
Read-only: Yes

Role ID (roleId)

Description: The role ID to assign to the buyer of the plan after purchase.
Type: Text
Can connect to data: Yes
Can use in dynamic page URL: No
Can be sorted: No
Can be filtered: No
Read-only: Yes

Name (name)

Description: The name of the pricing plan.
Type: Text
Can connect to data: Yes
Can use in dynamic page URL: No
Can be sorted: No
Can be filtered: No
Read-only: Yes

Tagline (tagline)

Description: The tagline for the pricing plan.
Type: Text
Can connect to data: Yes
Can use in dynamic page URL: No
Can be sorted: No
Can be filtered: No
Read-only: Yes

Ribbon (ribbon)

Description: The ribbon available for this pricing plan. The ribbon lets you show additional information about the plan, such as "New!"
Type: Text
Can connect to data: No
Can use in dynamic page URL: No
Can be sorted: No
Can be filtered: No
Read-only: Yes

Benefits (benefits)

Description: Lists the benefits included in the plan as an array of strings.
Type: Tags
Can connect to data: Yes
Can use in dynamic page URL: No
Can be sorted: No
Can be filtered: No
Read-only: Yes

Price (price)

Description: The price of the plan.
Type: Number
Can connect to data: Yes
Can use in dynamic page URL: No
Can be sorted: No
Can be filtered: No
Read-only: Yes

Currency (currency)

Description: The plan's currency. Because plans have only one currency, this value is the same for all plans.
Type: Text
Can connect to data: Yes
Can use in dynamic page URL: No
Can be sorted: No
Can be filtered: No
Read-only: Yes

Recurring (recurring)

Description: If the plan's payments are recurring (true) or one time only (false).
Type: Boolean
Can connect to data: Yes
Can use in dynamic page URL: No
Can be sorted: No
Can be filtered: No
Read-only: Yes

Valid Until Canceled (validUntilCanceled)

Description: If the plan is valid until the user explicitly cancels the payments (true).
Type: Boolean
Can connect to data: Yes
Can use in dynamic page URL: No
Can be sorted: No
Can be filtered: No
Read-only: Yes

Period Unit (periodUnit)

Description: The payment recurrence for the plan. Valid values are WEEK, MONTH, and YEAR.
Type: Text
Can connect to data: Yes
Can use in dynamic page URL: No
Can be sorted: No
Can be filtered: No
Read-only: Yes

Period Amount (periodAmount)

Description: The plan is valid for this number of weeks, months, or years.
Type: Number
Can connect to data: Yes
Can use in dynamic page URL: No
Can be sorted: No
Can be filtered: No
Read-only: Yes

Primary (primary)

Description: Indicates if the plan is the primary plan. When viewing pricing plans on the site, the primary plan is highlighted with a customizable ribbon.
Type: Boolean
Can connect to data: Yes
Can use in dynamic page URL: No
Can be sorted: Yes
Can be filtered: eq, ne
Read-only: Yes

Date Created (dateCreated)

Description: Displays the date and time the plan was created.
Type: Date and Time
Can connect to data: Yes
Can use in dynamic page URL: No
Can be sorted: Yes
Can be filtered: eq, ne, le, ge, lt, gt
Read-only: Yes

Date Updated (dateUpdated)

Description: Displays the date and time the plan was last modified.
Type: Date and Time
Can connect to data: Yes
Can use in dynamic page URL: No
Can be sorted: Yes
Can be filtered: eq, ne, le, ge, lt, gt
Read-only: Yes

Display Index (displayIndex)

Description: The index of the plan in the order it is displayed in Manage Plans from the site's dashboard. The index of the left-most plan on the top row has the value 1, the next one has the value 2, and so on. As time passes, if plans are deleted, the indexes of the remaining plans are not renumbered. They continue to be displayed in Manage Plans in the same numeric order.
Type: Number
Can connect to data: Yes
Can use in dynamic page URL: No
Can be sorted: Yes
Can be filtered: eq, ne, le, ge, lt, gt
Read-only: Yes

Slug (slug)

Description: The plan's slug, which is its URL-friendly name that is unique across the site.
Type: Text
Can connect to data: Yes
Can use in dynamic page URL: Yes
Can be sorted: No
Can be filtered: Yes
Read-only: Yes

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