Velo: Wix Stores "Products" Collection Fields
Tip: Before continuing, make sure you've read Working with Wix App Collections.
To use the Products collection in code, refer to it as "Stores/Products"
This document describes the permissions and fields in your Products collection.
- You can query up to 100 items from the Products collection. Trying to query more than 100 items by raising the wix-data limit will result in an error.
- You can use up to 5 filters in one query. This limit can be extended by using the 'and' operator to combine queries.
By default, querying hidden products requires the appropriate permissions. However, you can allow your visitors to temporarily bypass this requirement by setting the suppressAuth
property to true
The Products collection has the following permissions:
- Read: Anyone
- Create: None
- Update: None
- Delete: None
You cannot change the Products collection's permissions.
Note: This app collection contains read-only fields that cannot be managed from the collection. You can update the fields from the relevant app in your site’s dashboard.
The field name is listed as the heading of each section, with the field ID listed in parentheses, like this: Name (name). The fields appear in this document in the order in which they appear in your collection by default.
ID (_id)
Description: The product ID (GUID) that was created by the server. This is a system field and is hidden by default.
Type: Text
Can connect to data: Yes
Can use in dynamic page URL: No
Can be sorted: Yes
Can be filtered: eq, ne, hasSome, contains, startsWith
Read-only: Yes
Name (name)
Description: The name of the product.
Type: Text
Can connect to data: Yes
Can use in dynamic page URL: No Can be sorted: Yes Can be filtered: eq, ne, hasSome, contains, startsWith
Read-only: Yes
Updated Date (_updatedDate)
Description: Date and time the product was last changed.
Type: Date
Can connect to data: Yes
Can use in dynamic page URL: No
Can be sorted: Yes
Can be filtered: eq, ne, lt, lte, gt, gte
Read-only: Yes
Description (description)
Description: The product description in rich text.
Type: Rich text
Can connect to data: Yes
Can use in dynamic page URL: No
Can be sorted: No
Can be filtered: eq, ne, hasSome, contains, startsWith
Read-only: Yes
Main Media (mainMedia)
Description: Displays the main media item (image or video) for this product as it appears in the Store Manager.
Type: Image
Can connect to data: Yes
Can use in dynamic page URL: No
Can be sorted: No
Can be filtered: No
Read-only: Yes
Media Items (mediaItems)
Description: Lists all the media items available for this product in an array of JSON objects.
Type: Media Gallery Can connect to data: No
Can use in dynamic page URL: No
Can be sorted: No
Can be filtered: No Read-only: Yes
SKU (sku)
Description: The product's stock-keeping unit number.
Type: Text
Can connect to data: Yes
Can use in dynamic page URL: No
Can be sorted: Yes Can be filtered: Yes Read-only: Yes
Ribbon (ribbon)
Description: The product's ribbon. Used to highlight relevant information about a product. For example, "New Arrival"
or "5 items left"
Note: This field replaces the deprecated `ribbons` field.
Type: Text
Can connect to data: No
Can use in dynamic page URL: No
Can be sorted: No
Can be filtered: No
Read-only: No
Currency (currency)
Description: The product's currency. Because stores only have one currency, this value is the same for all products.
Type: Text
Can connect to data: Yes
Can use in dynamic page URL: No
Can be sorted: No
Can be filtered: No
Read-only: Yes
Price (price)
Description: The product's price.
Type: Number
Can connect to data: Yes
Can use in dynamic page URL: No
Can be sorted: Yes
Can be filtered: eq, ne, hasSome, lt, lte, gt, gte
Read-only: Yes
Discounted Price (discountedPrice)
Description: The discounted price, if any. If no discount is configured, the full price is displayed.
Type: Number
Can connect to data: Yes
Can use in dynamic page URL: No
Can be sorted: No
Can be filtered: No
Read-only: Yes
Formatted Price (formattedPrice)
Description: The price formatted with the currency (e.g., $20).
Type: Text
Can connect to data: Yes
Can use in dynamic page URL: No
Can be sorted: No
Can be filtered: No
Read-only: Yes
Formatted Discounted Price (formattedDiscountedPrice)
Description: The discounted price formatted with the currency (e.g., $15).
Type: Text
Can connect to data: Yes
Can use in dynamic page URL: No
Can be sorted: No
Can be filtered: No
Read-only: Yes
Price Per Unit (pricePerUnit)
Description: The product's base price per unit, automatically calculated based on provided pricePerUnitData (e.g., 0.3).
Type: Number
Can connect to data: Yes
Can use in dynamic page URL: No
Can be sorted: Yes
Can be filtered: No
Read-only: Yes
Formatted Price Per Unit (formattedPricePerUnit)
Description: The product's base price per unit, formatted with the currency (e.g., $0.30)
Type: Text
Can connect to data: Yes
Can use in dynamic page URL: No
Can be sorted: No
Can be filtered: No
Read-only: Yes
Price Per Unit Data (pricePerUnitData)
Description: Price per unit quantities and measurement units.
Type: JSON
Can connect to data: No
Can use in dynamic page URL: No
Can be sorted: No
Can be filtered: No
Read-only: No
Track Inventory (trackInventory)
Description: Indicates whether inventory is tracked for this product.
Type: Boolean
Can connect to data: Yes
Can use in dynamic page URL: No
Can be sorted: No
Can be filtered: No
Read-only: Yes
In Stock (inStock)
Description: Indicates whether the product is in stock.
Type: Boolean
Can connect to data: Yes
Can use in dynamic page URL: No
Can be sorted: No
Can be filtered: No
Read-only: Yes
Quantity In Stock (quantityInStock)
Description: The number of items currently in stock. Only relevant for products whose "TrackInventory" field is "True".
Type: Number
Can connect to data: Yes
Can use in dynamic page URL: No
Can be sorted: No
Can be filtered: No
Read-only: Yes
Additional Info Sections (additionalInfoSections)
Description: Displays the Additional Info sections you have in your store in an array of JSON objects.
Type: JSON
Can connect to data: No
Can use in dynamic page URL: No
Can be sorted: No
Can be filtered: No
Read-only: Yes
Product Options (productOptions)
Description: Displays the defined product options and choices as a complex JSON object. Also supports easy querying and filtering.
Type: JSON
Can connect to data: No
Can use in dynamic page URL: No
Can be sorted: No
Can be filtered: No
Read-only: Yes
You can query the Products collection and filter datasets connected to the collection based on the product options you have defined in your store. The product options are stored in a complex JSON object, with the choices for each option stored as an array of objects (see below). Rather than searching through each choice, you can use special syntax that only requires the product option name and the values of choices available for that option. You can filter this field using these functions: eq, ne, hasSome, hasAll.
For example, if you have a product option called "Size," you can use productOptions.size.value
in your code (note that the case of the name doesn't matter). If you have a product option called "Color," you use productOptions.color.value
. You can also use any custom options you may have defined. The name you use is the name of the option in your store.
Format of the JSON object
Product Page Url (productPageUrl)
Description: Displays the URL for the product's page on your site.
Type: URL
Can connect to data: Yes
Can use in dynamic page URL: No
Can be sorted: No
Can be filtered: No
Read-only: Yes
Manage Variants (manageVariants)
Description: Indicates whether product variants are managed for this store.
Type: Boolean
Can connect to data: Yes
Can use in dynamic page URL: No
Can be sorted: No
Can be filtered: No
Read-only: Yes
Custom Text Fields (customTextFields)
Description: Displays any custom fields you may have set up in an array of JSON objects.
Type: JSON
Can connect to data: No
Can use in dynamic page URL: No
Can be sorted: No
Can be filtered: No
Read-only: Yes
Product Type (productType)
Description:The type of product (physical or digital).
Type: Text
Can connect to data: Yes
Can use in dynamic page URL: No
Can be sorted: Yes
Can be filtered: eq, ne, hasSome, contains, startsWith
Read-only: Yes
Slug (slug)
Description: The product's slug, which is its URL-friendly name that is unique across the store.
Type: Text
Can connect to data: Yes
Can use in dynamic page URL: Yes
Can be sorted: Yes
Can be filtered: eq, ne, hasSome, contains, startsWith
Read-only: Yes
Weight (weight)
Description: The product's weight.
Type: Number
Can connect to data: Yes
Can use in dynamic page URL: No
Can be sorted: No
Can be filtered: No
Read-only: Yes
Collections (collections)
Description: The collections the product belongs to.
Type: Reference (Multiple Items)
Can connect to data: No
Can use in dynamic page URL: No
Can be sorted: No
Can be filtered: hasSome
Read-only: Yes
Inventory Item (inventoryItemId)
Description: The item's ID in the Stores/InventoryItems collection that corresponds to the product.
Type: Text
Can connect to data: No
Can use in dynamic page URL: No
Can be sorted: No
Can be filtered: No
Read-only: Yes
Discount (discount)
Description: Discount deducted from the product's original price. Type: JSON Can connect to data: No Can use in dynamic page URL: No Can be sorted: No Can be filtered: No Read-only: No Note: "type" is one of the following:
- "NONE": Pass this value to remove a discount.
- "AMOUNT": Discount amount. In the example below, the discount is 5 ($ / € / £ / ¥ / etc.), depending on the product's currency.
- "PERCENT": Discount is a percentage.
SEO Data (seoData)
Description: Lists any custom SEO data for the product as an array of SEO tag JSON objects. Learn more.
Type: JSON
Can connect to data: No
Can use in dynamic page URL: No
Can be sorted: No
Can be filtered: No
Read-only: No
Brand (brand)
Description: Product brand.
Type: Text
Can connect to data: Yes
Can use in dynamic page URL: No
Can be sorted: No
Can be filtered: Yes
Read-only: Yes