About the B2B Site Management API

With the B2B Site Management API, strategic partners can transfer a Wix site from a source account to a target account. This allows their customers to have exactly the permissions they need, while the strategic partner retains access to the sites. Contact the Wix B2B sales team at bizdev@wix.com to learn how to become a strategic partner and which accounts are supported as source and target.

After transferring the site, strategic partners can use the Resellers API to offer paid Wix services to their customers.


  • Wix account: A Wix account can have one or more users. Standard accounts have one user, while team accounts can have multiple users. Each account can hold multiple sites.
    • Sub-account: You can create sub-accounts for your customers. This allows you to access your customers’ sites while customers have the functionality and permissions they need.
    • Source account: The account holding the site before the transfer. Not all Wix accounts are supported as source accounts. Contact the Wix B2B sales team for more information.
    • Target account: The account holding the site after the transfer. The target account must be your main account or one of its sub-accounts.
  • Wix site: A website in an account. Sites are accessible to users according to the specific permissions they hold on the site or the entire account.
  • Paid Wix service: A service Wix offers site owners that isn’t free of charge. For example, a Website Plan, Business & eCommerce Plan, or Ascend. See Wix Premium Subscriptions for more details.


  • Only strategic partners of Wix services can transfer sites. Contact the Wix B2B sales team at bizdev@wix.com to learn how to become a strategic partner and which accounts are supported as source and target.
  • You can transfer a site only to your main account or one of its sub-accounts. It isn’t possible to transfer a site to an unrelated account. Contact the Wix B2B sales team for more information.
  • Only sites that don’t include paid Wix services can be transferred. After transferring the site, you can use the Resellers API to offer paid Wix services to your customers.
  • The ID of the target account can't be passed in the body of the Transfer Site call. It must be specified in the header.
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