The Service Fees API allows you to manage your service fee rules and apply them to orders.
With the Service Fees API, you can:
- Create and manage rules for service fees.
- Implement custom pricing and fee structures for restaurant orders.
- Adjust service fees automatically based on certain rules or conditions.
It's important to note the following point before starting to code:
- The site or project owner must install either the Wix Restaurants Orders app or the Wix Restaurants Orders (New) app.
- Order: Information about an order that is placed by a customer. It contains necessary information to calculate service fees. The order has not yet been placed, it is in the pre-checkout stage.
- Condition: Evaluates a specific field in the order.
- Condition Tree: Contains two conditions and an operator.
- Rule: Defines the fee that is applied when specific conditions (also defined by the rule) are met.