Retrieves a location.
function getLocation(_id: string): Promise<Location>;
ID of the location to retrieve.
import { locations } from "@wix/business-tools";
/* Sample _id value: '0a965e36-4071-4df0-905b-75458817430a' */
export async function myGetLocationFunction(_id) {
try {
const myLocation = await locations.getLocation(_id);
console.log("Here are the details of the location:", myLocation);
return myLocation;
} catch (error) {
// Handle the error
/* Promise resolves to:
* {
* "_id": "0a965e36-4071-4df0-905b-75458817430a",
* "address": {
* "streetAddress": {
* "apt": "",
* "name": "Calle Miguel Hidalgo",
* "number": "15"
* },
* "city": "La Reforma",
* "postalCode": "22000"
* },
* "archived": false,
* "default": false,
* "description": "Our brand new, budget store in the heart of Mexico City!",
* "email": "",
* "phone": "+52 55 1234 5678",
* "name": "Mexico Store",
* "revision": "2",
* "status": "ACTIVE",
* "timeZone": "America/Mexico_City"
* }
This method doesn’t return any custom errors, but may return standard errors. Learn more about standard Wix errors.