reorderCategoryEvents( )

Change the order of events that are assigned to the same category on the Events Widget.

For more information see this article

  • When developing websites or building an app with Blocks, this method may require elevated permissions, depending on the identity of the user calling it and the calling user’s permissions.
  • When building apps without Blocks or for headless projects, you can only call this method directly when authenticated as a Wix app or Wix user identity. When authenticated as a different identity, you can call this method using elevation.
  • Elevation permits users to call methods they typically cannot access. Therefore, you should only use it intentionally and securely.
Manage Events - all permissions
Manage Events
Learn more about app permissions.
Method Declaration
function reorderCategoryEvents(
  categoryId: string,
  options: ReorderCategoryEventsOptions,
): Promise<void>;
Method Parameters

Category ID.


Options to use when reordering events.

import { categories } from "@wix/events"; /* * Sample categoryId value: "6ec293a8-1b47-4337-9c4e-9a6aeb35e66a" * Sample options value: * { * "eventId": "4e5e4adb-9778-4171-a9bb-44e27834ac89", * "afterEventId": "32c0eab1-b7a0-4ec2-9fb6-db76f76ee488" * } */ export async function myReorderCategoryEventsFunction(categoryId, options) { try { const reorderedEvents = await categories.reorderCategoryEvents( categoryId, options, ); console.log("Events are reordered"); return reorderedEvents; } catch (error) { console.error(error); // Handle the error } } /* Promise resolves to void */
400Invalid Argument

There is 1 error with this status code.

This method may also return standard errors. Learn more about standard Wix errors.

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