Orders a pricing plan.
The createOnlineOrder()
function returns a Promise that resolves to an Order
To process pricing plans on your site, first set up your site to offer pricing plans as described in About Pricing Plans. When setting up your site to accept pricing plans, define the plans you want to offer.
Ordering a plan places an order for the plan, without actually purchasing it. You can then continue the payment process with Wix Pay, which applies the plan to the buyer on completion of payment.
To understand how createOnlineOrder()
is used in a customized pricing plan lifecycle,
see Customized Pricing Plan Purchases.
function createOnlineOrder(planId: string, startDate: Date): Promise<Order>;
The plan ID.
Start date and time for the ordered plan.
import { checkout } from "@wix/site-pricing-plans";
// Sample planId value: '099e2c86-3b7e-4477-8c27-f77402b8cced'
$w.onReady(function () {
$w("#myOrderButton").onClick((event) => {
.then((order) => {
const id = order._id;
const status = order.status;
console.log("Success! Created order:", order);
return order;
.catch((error) => {
/* Promise resolves to:
* {
* "_id": "ec66a557-5f23-4b71-91c5-6ea98a694537",
* "planId": "099e2c86-3b7e-4477-8c27-f77402b8cceb",
* "subscriptionId": "6f61e080-be4a-4859-a49e-b44b5da87129",
* "wixPayOrderId": "d7c01c4b-c04d-4ebe-bd66-3973fa1fdb53",
* "buyer": {
* "memberId": "0c9bca47-1f00-4b92-af1c-7852452e949a",
* "contactId": "0c9bca47-1f00-4b92-af1c-7852452e949a"
* },
* "priceDetails": {
* "subtotal": "74.99",
* "discount": "0",
* "total": "74.99",
* "planPrice": "74.99",
* "currency": "EUR",
* "subscription": {
* "cycleDuration": {
* "count": 1,
* "unit": "MONTH"
* },
* "cycleCount": 3
* }
* },
* "pricing": {
* "subscription": {
* "cycleDuration": {
* "count": 1,
* "unit": "MONTH"
* },
* "cycleCount": 3
* },
* "prices": [
* {
* "duration": {
* "cycleFrom": 1,
* "numberOfCycles": 3
* },
* "price": {
* "subtotal": "74.99",
* "discount": "0",
* "total": "74.99",
* "currency": "EUR"
* }
* }]
* },
* "type": "ONLINE",
* "orderMethod": "UNKNOWN",
* "status": "DRAFT",
* "autoRenewCanceled": false,
* "lastPaymentStatus": "UNPAID",
* "startDate": "2022-08-22T19:51:36.470Z",
* "endDate": "2022-11-22T19:51:36.470Z",
* "pausePeriods": [],
* "earliestEndDate": "2022-11-22T19:51:36.470Z",
* "currentCycle": {
* "index": 1,
* "startedDate": "2022-08-22T19:51:36.470Z",
* "endedDate": "2022-09-22T19:51:36.470Z"
* },
* "planName": "Platinum Pro",
* "planDescription": "",
* "planPrice": "74.99",
* "_createdDate": "2022-08-22T19:51:36.470Z",
* "_updatedDate": "2022-08-22T19:51:36.470Z"
* }
This method doesn’t return any custom errors, but may return standard errors. Learn more about standard Wix errors.