Recurring Events

Recurring events repeat based on a pattern defined by a recurrenceRule. For example, weekly yoga classes or regular staff working hours. To create a recurring event, specify a recurrenceRule when creating an event. This event, known as a MASTER event, defines the recurrence for the series. Wix Calendars then automatically generates INSTANCE events in the series.

Recurrence Rule

The recurrenceRule sets the repeat pattern for recurring events, with the following properties:

  • frequency: The interval unit for recurrence. Currently, only WEEKLY frequency is supported.
  • interval: Determines how often the event recurs. For example, every week or every 2 weeks.
  • days: Specifies the days of the week the event occurs. For example, MONDAY.
  • until (optional): Sets an end date to stop repeating.

Instances and Exceptions

Individual occurrences in a recurring series are automatically generated and have a recurrenceType of INSTANCE.

If an instance is modified (for example, to adjust the time or location), it becomes an EXCEPTION. Even if the EXCEPTION is later updated to revert the modifications, its recurrenceType remains EXCEPTION. The event's id remains constant throughout its lifecycle.

However, the ID of an INSTANCE event may change. This can happen, for example, when the relevant MASTER event's recurrenceRule is modified.

Update MASTER events

Changes made to a MASTER event only affect future INSTANCE events, while past instances remain unchanged to preserve historical accuracy. Use updateEvent() to modify the MASTER event.

Split recurring event

If you want to apply modifications starting from a specific future date that's after the very next INSTANCE event, use splitRecurringEvent() first. This splits the original MASTER event into 2, shortening the original and creating a second MASTER event. Then, use updateEvent() on the new MASTER event to apply your adjustments.

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