Release Notes

We're always adding and updating the JavaScript SDK APIs, and we want you to have one place to find all of our latest changes and additions.

We want to hear your feedback! You can help us improve the docs by reporting any issues that you notice. You can report bugs and other feedback by clicking one of these buttons at the bottom of each section:

New Release: Account level Domain APIs

The following Domain APIs have been released:

(July 18, 2024)

New Release: Account level
Resellers Packages API

The Resellers Packages API enables strategic partners to offer paid Wix services to their customers.

(July 17, 2024)

New Release:
Tags API

Tags are labels attached to entities that allow for data categorization and management. For example, an eCommerce order can have associated tags.

With the tags API you can:

(July 11, 2024)

New Function:
Dashboard SDK


The Dashboard SDK has 2 new functions:

  • setPageTitle(). Use this function to set the dashboard page title in your browser tab.
  • addSitePlugin(). Use this function to add a site plugin to a slot within an app created by Wix.

(June 27, 2024)

New Developer Preview API:
AdsTxt API

The AdsTxt API allows you to manage digital advertisements on a Wix site using its Ads.txt file.

(June 25, 2024)

New API:
Dashboard Favorite List

The Dashboard Favorite List API provides functionality to create and manage a list of favorite dashboard pages. It allows you to streamline Wix users' dashboard navigation experience and make important pages quickly accessible.

With the Dashboard Favorite List API, users can:

  • Create, retrieve, update, and delete their list of dashboard favorites.
  • Add and delete individual dashboard favorites to and from their list.
  • Create nested views of collections, developer tools, or other dashboard pages for quick access.
  • Assign custom titles to favorite pages for easier navigation.

(June 18, 2024)

New Capability:

The Wix SDK now includes methods to register callback functions as webhook event handlers. For example, the stores module has a method onProductChanged(). Additionally, the WixClient offers a new webhooks property for processing and verifying Wix webhook events. For a detailed usage example, see Handle Events with Webhooks.

(June 2, 2024)

New Function:
Dashboard SDK


The Dashboard SDK has a new function called onBeforeUnload(). Use this function on dashboard pages to prompt site builders before leaving a page with unsaved data.

(May 6, 2024)

New Developer Preview API:
Published Site URLs API

The Published Site URLs API allows you to access URLs that site contributors can use to access their published site pages, including translated pages.

(April 21, 2024)

New Function:
Dashboard SDK


The Dashboard SDK has a new function called openMediaManager(). This function allows you to open a Wix Media Manager modal on a dashboard page. Site builders can select one or more the site's media files using the manager. The function returns a list of the selected files when the modal is closed.

openMediaManager() replaces the deprecated openMediaDialog() function.

(April 11, 2024)

New API:

We've updated the Tasks API, which allows you to create and manage tasks on your site. Functionality includes:

(April 9, 2024)

New Developer Preview API:
Site Editor URLs API

The Editor URLs API allows you to access URLs that site contributors can use to access their site editor and to preview changes to their site before publishing.

(March 21, 2024)

New Function and Component:
Dashboard React SDK


The Dashboard React SDK has two new features:

  • PageLink: A React component for rendering links to dashboard pages.
  • usePageLocation(): A React hook that provides access to the currently rendered dashboard page's location data.

(February 12, 2024)

New Function:
Dashboard SDK


The Dashboard SDK has a new function called getPageUrl(). Use this function to retrieve the URL for a dashboard page using that page's ID.

(February 12, 2024)

New Developer Preview API:
Blog Draft Posts


The Blog DraftPosts API allows you to manage unpublished blog posts.

Functionality includes:

(December 31, 2023)

Temporarily Removed: Tasks API


The Tasks API is being temporarily removed in preparation for replacement by a new version.

(December 25, 2023)

Removed: Workflows API


The Workflows API is being discontinued and will no longer be supported moving forward. Please remove any code that uses the Workflows API.

(December 19, 2023)

New Function:
Media API


The Media Manager Files API now includes a new function:

  • bulkImportFile() imports a bulk of files to the Media Manager using external URLs. This replaces bulkImportFiles() which has been deprecated and will be removed on March 31, 2024.

(December 14, 2023)

New Developer Preview API:
Table Reservations

The Table Reservations API provides all the functionality required to create and manage restaurant table reservations.

It contains the following APIs:

  • Reservations: Creates and manages restaurant table reservations.
  • Reservation Locations: Provides location information and configures reservation settings for individual restaurants.
  • Time Slots: Retrieves availability information for time slots at a reservation location.

(December 11, 2023)

New Developer Preview API:


The Reviews API allows you to manage reviews for a site's services, content, or products. The review object holds the content of the review, a rating score, images or video media, and information about the author.

Functionality includes:

(Devember 7, 2023)

New Developer Preview API:
Site Properties


The Site Properties API provides functionality for managing your site's business information.

Functionality includes:

(October 17, 2023)

New API:


The Members API provides functionality for creating and managing the members of your site.

Functionality includes:

(September 20, 2023)

New Fields:
Pricing Plans


The Plans object has a new formId field, which is the ID of the order form associated with a plan at checkout.

The Orders object has a new formData object, which contains the following fields:

  • formId: the ID of the order form associated with a plan at checkout.
  • submissionId: the ID of the plan's order form submitted at checkout.
  • submissionData: the data submitted to the plan's order form at checkout.

(August 31, 2023)

New Developer Preview API: Wix Form Submissions


The new Wix Forms Submissions API provides functionality for managing the submissions to your forms.

Functionality includes:

Note: This module is in Developer Preview.

(August 24, 2023)

New Developer Preview API: Wix eCom Recommendations


The new Wix eCom Recommendations API provides functionality for recommending items to your customers.

Functionaly includes:

Note: This module is in Developer Preview.

(August 9, 2023)

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