This article shares some possible use cases you could support, as well as a sample flow that could support each use case. This can be a helpful jumping off point as you plan your implementation.
You can create a frontend template, on an external platform, that takes advantage of business solutions on a Wix site or project.
For any external app or site to access a Wix project's data, it must be authorized in advance by creating an OAuth app. To enable project owners to connect a site or app built on your template to their existing Wix project data, follow these steps:
and optional description
that identify the client clearly. In the allowedDomains
array, provide the deployment domains from the previous
securely.Whenever an external client redirects a visitor to Wix for authentication, the client provides a URL for Wix to redirect the visitor back to after authentication. To ensure security, Wix only redirects the visitor if the domain has been approved in advance in the OAuth app's settings. To update an external client's approved URLs, follow these steps:
body parameter, and pass ["allowedDomains"]
in the mask.paths
body parameter.