Migrating from the IFrame SDK

As of March 2024, the Wix IFrame SDK is deprecated and closed to new users. You can access the functionality of the IFrame SDK using the Wix JavaScript SDK and other Wix APIs. The following tables map popular functions from the IFrame SDK to their alternatives.

Wix Dashboard

This table maps the functions from the Wix.Dashboard IFrame SDK. All the alternative functions are from the Wix JavaScript SDK unless otherwise noted. Many of the alternative functions in this table are from the Dashboard SDK.

IFrame SDKAlternative
openBillingPage()App Billing Get Url API. This is a REST API that requires configuration in the Wix App Dashboard. Learn more about setting up an external pricing page.
pushState()Use the relativeUrl parameter for navigate() to append segments to a page's URL.
revalidateSession()This functionality isn't relevant in the JavaScript SDK.
setHeight()This functionality isn't relevant for apps using the JavaScript SDK. IFrame heights are set automatically.

Wix Utils

This table maps the functions from the Wix.Utils IFrame SDK. All the alternative functions are from the Wix JavaScript SDK. Many of the alternative functions in this table are from the core SDK module.

IFrame functionAlternative
getInstanceId(), getUid(), getSiteOwnerId(), getSignDate()Replacements for these functions aren't available yet. During a live IFrame session, the app instance data is available in the instance query parameter in the browser's URL. You can decrypt it to retrieve instanceId, uid, signDate, and siteOwnerId. Learn more about parsing app instance data.
Media.getResizedImageUrl()Use getScaledToFillImageUrl(), getScaledToFitImageUrl(), and getCroppedImageUrl() as needed.
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