Default Values

Default values in schedules and MASTER events streamline event creation by acting as templates for fields like title and location. These defaults allow events to inherit specified values unless explicitly overridden, simplifying setup and ensuring consistency across related events. You can identify which event fields have inherited values by checking the event's inheritedFields array.

When default fields for a schedule or MASTER event are updated, future events that inherit these values automatically reflect the changes, while past events retain their original values.

Override default values

To override a default value, specify that field when creating or updating the event. Set a field to null to generate an empty value.

Restore default values

To revert overridden fields to their default values, use restoreEventDefaults(). Provide the relevant event ID and specify which fields to restore. For instance, if an event has custom values for location, title, and capacity, but you want to reset only the title and capacity to their defaults (leaving location unchanged), include the event ID and set fields to ["TITLE", "CAPACITY"].

List of default fields in the schedule object

The values of the following fields in the schedule object serve as defaults for event objects:

Default field in scheduleAffected field in event

Additional default fields for MASTER events

For single-occurrence events, defaults only come from the schedule. However, INSTANCE and EXCEPTION events can inherit additional values from the associated MASTER event.

Default field in MASTER eventNotes
startShown as TIME in inheritedFields.
endShown as TIME in inheritedFields.

How Wix Bookings uses default values

Wix Bookings utilizes the service name as defaultTitle in the relevant schedule. When the business owner updates the service name, these changes occur automatically:

  • The defaultTitle of the relevant schedule is updated.
  • The title for all future events belonging to that schedule is updated, while titles of past events remain unchanged.
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