About Service Payments

You can offer services for free, allow customers to pay online when booking, or in-person during the event.

Service rates

The following service rateTypes are supported.

  • No Fee: Customers can book for free. Even though the service is free, you must allow either in-person or online payments when creating the service.
  • Fixed: The service price is fixed and doesn't change. When specifying a fixed service rate, you must set payment.fixed.price.value to a value greater than 0.00.
  • Varied rate: The service price depends on which service variant (SDK | REST) the customer chooses. For example, how long the appointment lasts, the participant's age, or which staff provides the service.
  • Custom rate: The service price isn't defined by a specific numerical value but as a descriptive string, such as "Donation", or "Contact us for pricing information". You must allow in-person payments when setting a custom rate.

Payment options

The service's payment.options determine how customers can pay. The following payment options are available.

  • Online payments: Customers can pay online when booking the service. It's recommended to allow online payments, since this significantly reduces no-shows.
  • In-person: Customers can pay in-person during the event.
  • Deposits: Customers must pay a deposit when booking the service. If the service requires a deposit, make sure to:
    • Allow online payments.
    • Also allow in-person payments, if the deposit is less than the full price.
    • Specify the deposit amount in either payment.fixed.deposit.value or payment.varied.deposit.value based on the rate type.
  • Pricing plans: Customers can pay with a membership when booking the service. If you accept pricing plans (SDK | REST) as payments, you must allow online payments and add specific pricing plan IDs as service.payment.pricingPlanIds.

You must allow either in-person or online payments for every service, even if it's free.

See also

  • Bookings Pricing API (SDK | REST)
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