calculateTax( )

Developer Preview

This API is subject to change. Bug fixes and new features will be released based on developer feedback throughout the preview period.

Calculates tax for the provided line items.

Tax is calculated for each line item based on the tax region (see TaxRegions API) that corresponds to the address provided in lineItems.addressIndex and the tax group (see TaxGroups API) in taxGroupId. If no tax region is found for the line item's address then no tax will be calculated for this line item. If no tax group with that taxGroupId is found then the default tax group is used to calculate tax. To check the default tax groups, use listDefaultTaxGroups() in the TaxGroups API.

The tax is calculated by a tax calculator app installed on the site. Use listTaxCalculators() to see which tax calculators are available. To provide your own tax calculations, use the Tax Calculation service plugin.

The breakdown of calculated tax returned, includes:

  • taxSummary: The overall total tax calculated.
  • taxSummary.aggregatedTaxBreakdown: The total tax calculated for each jurisdiction.
  • lineItemTaxDetails.taxSummary: The total tax calculated for each line item.
  • lineItemTaxDetails.taxBreakdown: The tax calculated for each line item in each jurisdiction.
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Method Declaration
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Calculate tax options.

Return Type:Promise<CalculateTaxResponse>
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