The Availability Calendar API enables you to check the availability of
appointment slots and class events, allowing for efficient booking and
scheduling for customers. It also automatically handles time zone differences
and Daylight Savings Time (DST).
With the Availability Calendar API, you can:
- Retrieve available slots for an appointment-based service.
- Retrieve available class events.
It's important to note the following point before starting to code:
Calculating course availability isn't possible with the Availability Calendar
API. To calculate course availability, call Query Extended Bookings
and retrieve all bookings for a specific course. Then, ensure that the
booking's intended numberOfParticipants
doesn't exceed the course's number
of remaining places. See this sample flow
for more details.
- Book an appointment
- Book a class event
- Availability: Availability refers to the time slots on an appointment-based
service's schedule
that customers can book.
- Policy violation: Indicates any violations of booking policies
such as booking too early or too late.
- Event: A booked or reserved period of time for an appointment, class, or
course. Alternatively, you can consider an event as a specific instance of a
service occurring at a particular time. Previously, events were also called
sessions in Wix Bookings APIs. The aggregation of all events for a service
constitutes the service's schedule. Learn more about events
and schedules
in the Calendar APIs
- Slot: A time period that customers can book for a service. For
appointments, it includes all available times for booking. For classes, it
refers to sessions that are open for booking.
For a comprehensive glossary of Wix Bookings terms, see Terminology