About Forum

Wix Forum allows Wix users and site members to create and manage forum posts. The posts can be organized in categories.

Learn more about Wix Forum.

Use cases

The Forum API allows you to reuse forum content in a modular fashion.

To set up an automated feed of new posts and sub-forums based on news, events, or other topics so that members and admins don't have to do it manually:

  1. Decide criteria for selecting forum posts to display, e.g. based on keywords or listing all categories, and retrieve these categories using Query Categories.
  2. Consume the Post Created event to get all new posts.
  3. Filter the new posts by their categoryId, or by keywords found in contentText, and link back to them using url and title to create links.


  • Post: A post written by a site member. Posts can be pinned (set to always appear at the top of a forum page), moved (to a new category), liked/unliked (to show approval, or not), and closed/opened (for replies). These actions happen in the site only, but you can be notified of them using events.

  • Category: A logical group that the site member assigns their post(s) to in the forum.

  • Draft Post: A pending post written by a site member used for post moderation. Draft posts can be approved (they are posted to the forum) or deleted.

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