
With the Wix Events v2 API you can create and manage events on your site. This API can be used to create sites for concerts, sport camps, city tours, weddings, and so on.

The Wix Events v2 API allows you to:

  • Create/clone an event. Create an event by defining some properties, such as location, date and time, registration type, etc. In case you have several similar events, you don't have to create a new one each time. You can quickly clone an existing event and refine it by changing some of the properties.
  • Update event with the newest information about the event.
  • Publish draft event if you initially created an event as a draft.
  • List events by category to have a full list of events that belong to the same category.
  • Get/Query events to get information about each individual event that matches a filter.
  • Bulk delete/cancel events by filter. Save time and effort when managing event by removing/canceling multiple events at once based on specific filters.

Event registration types

These registration types define what type of event they are registering for:

  • Ticketing: Customers register by buying tickets.
    You can create and sell tickets, set currency, handle taxes. For more information, see the Ticket Definitions API.
  • RSVP: Customers register by responding with an RSVP without buying tickets. Invitees can RSVP whether they're going to an event.
    If the guest limit is reached, you can open a waitlist. Additionally, user can set whether guests can see other guests attending the event.
  • External: Customers register by either buying tickets or RSVPing on an external platform.
    You can display events on your site, while enabling ticket sales or RSVP management through an external platform.
  • No registration: Customers do not register. This is for displaying events only.

Event scheduling and recurrence

When defining an event, the event must have a date and time. The event can be either single, or recurring:

  • Single event: Happens once and can last multiple days, like a 3-day conference.
  • Recurring event: A series of events that repeat, like a workshop that happens once a week. Once you publish the recurring event, you can manage the dates for each individual separately.

Event locations

The event can happen in:

  • Physical location: The event happens in a specific venue or physical space, like a conference hall or concert venue.
  • Online: The event happens online through a video conference.

Event descriptions

To create a description for an event you have to use rich content. The following flow describes how to use the Rich Content API to add a description to an event.

  1. Create Event.

  2. Save the created event ID.

  3. Generate the content you want to include using the Rich Content playground. For example:

    { "nodes": [ { "type": "PARAGRAPH", "id": "d40ny127", "nodes": [ { "type": "TEXT", "id": "", "textData": { "text": "Checkout out the concert from a previous year:" } } ] }, { "type": "VIDEO", "id": "12k6s126", "videoData": { "containerData": { "width": { "size": "CONTENT" }, "alignment": "CENTER", "textWrap": true }, "video": { "src": { "url": "" }, "duration": 289 } } }, { "type": "PARAGRAPH", "id": "9822l128" } ] }
  4. Copy the generated document.

  5. Call Create Rich Content passing the document together with the event ID where the description should be applied. The description will automatically be populated with the provided rich content document.

When defining event registration

  • All events initially have a registration.type of either RSVP or TICKETING, which is the same as the registration.initialType property (this property remains unchanged).
  • To manage event registration externally using another platform, provide an external event registration URL in the registration.external.url field. After doing this, the registration type becomes EXTERNAL, and directs guests to the specified external URL for registration. The existing guest list, originally managed by the Events API, still exists but no longer is maintained by the API. Make sure to manage the guest list from the external platform.
  • To indicate that guests do not need to register for the event, you can set the registration.registrationDisabled property to true. After doing this, the registration.type value becomes NONE.


  • Event: A gathering that an individual or a business holds for a group of people.
  • RSVP: A response from the guest indicating whether they plan to attend the event.
  • Registration: The process by which individuals sign up to attend an event.
  • Attendee: An individual who plans, to or has registered to, participate in an event.
  • Category: A classification assigned to events based on their purpose or theme.
  • Organizer: The person or entity responsible for planning and hosting the event.
  • TBD: Event locations and dates can be “to be determined” yet the event can still be created and offered.
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