generateFilesDownloadUrl( )

Generates a URL for downloading a compressed file containing specific files in the Media Manager.

The compressed file can contain up to 1000 files.

To generate a permanent URL for downloading a compressed file that contains multiple files in the Media Manager, call the Generate Files Download URL endpoint. Since this is a permanent URL, it is less secure. Therefore, to download private files, call the Generate File Download URL endpoint for each private file that you want to generate a download URL for.


You can only call this method when authenticated as a Wix app or Wix user identity.

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Method Declaration
function generateFilesDownloadUrl(
  fileIds: Array<string>,
): Promise<GenerateFilesDownloadUrlResponse>;
Method Parameters

IDs of the files to download.

You can also pass the files' Wix media URLs. For example, ["wix:image://v1/0abec0_b291a9349a0b4da59067f76287e386fb~mv2.jpg/leon.jpg#originWidth=3024&originHeight=4032"]. Learn more in the File and Folder IDs article.

Return Type:Promise<GenerateFilesDownloadUrlResponse>
import { files } from "@wix/media"; async function generateFilesDownloadUrl(fileIds) { const response = await files.generateFilesDownloadUrl(fileIds); }

This method doesn’t return any custom errors, but may return standard errors. Learn more about standard Wix errors.

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