Deletes the specified files from the Media Manager.
The deleted files are moved to the Media Manager's trash bin (TRASH-ROOT
folder) unless permanently deleted. To permanently delete files, specify the permanent
parameter with the value true
. Permanently deleting files isn't reversible, so make sure that these files aren't being used in a site or in any other way as the files will no longer be accessible.
Note the following:
You can only call this method when authenticated as a Wix app or Wix user identity.
function bulkDeleteFiles(
fileIds: Array<string>,
options: BulkDeleteFilesOptions,
): Promise<void>;
IDs of the files to move to the Media Manager's trash bin.
You can also pass the files' Wix media URLs. For example, ["wix:image://v1/0abec0_b291a9349a0b4da59067f76287e386fb~mv2.jpg/leon.jpg#originWidth=3024&originHeight=4032"]
Learn more in the File and Folder IDs article.
Options to use when deleting files.
import { files } from "@wix/media";
async function bulkDeleteFiles(fileIds, options) {
const response = await files.bulkDeleteFiles(fileIds, options);
This method doesn’t return any custom errors, but may return standard errors. Learn more about standard Wix errors.