About the Wix Bookings Attendance API

With the Wix Bookings Attendance API, you can retrieve and manage a booked session's attendance information by:

  • Setting the attendance for a given booked session.
  • Getting the attendance information for a given booked session by ID.
  • Querying the attendance by given filters, sorting, and paging.

About the attendance object

The Attendance object holds information about the attendance of a booked session, such as:

  • Did anyone attend the session?
  • How many people attended the session?

The number of session Attendance objects available depends on session types:

  • Appointment sessions have 1 Attendance object per appointment.
  • Class sessions have an Attendance object for each session of the class. The number of sessions for a class is defined in Schedule and Sessions' schedule.capacity property.
  • Course sessions have an Attendance object for each session of the course. The number of sessions for a class is defined in Schedule and Sessions' schedule.capacity property.

Use cases

Common business usages for this API include:

  • Set the attendance for a given booked session to reflect how many attendees checked in.
  • Query the attendance for a given participant in a course booking.
  • Query attendance for a particular booking's sessions over time to see if a particular session has frequent no-shows. You can compare the number of attendees to the number of participants that signed up for that booking's sessions.


For a comprehensive glossary of Wix Bookings terms, see Terminology.

Before you begin

  • Validation capabilities are limited. Make sure your code validates that:
    • There is no mismatch between numberOfAttendees and attendanceStatus to make sure, for example, that attendanceStatus is not NOT_ATTENDED while numberOfAttendees is 5.
    • The attendance's numberOfAttendees and the booking's numberOfParticipants correspond. For example, the number of attendees usually should not exceed the booking's intended number of participants (unless perhaps you allow walk-ins that did not sign up in advance).
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