openLightbox( )

Opens a lightbox and optionally passes it the given data.

The openLightbox() function returns a Promise which is resolved when the lightbox closes. If the lightbox is closed programmatically using its close() function, and the close() function was invoked with a data parameter, then the Promise resolves to that data object.

If you send a data object to the lightbox, use the getContext() function in the lightbox's code to access the received data.

To pass data to the lightbox that is opened, you must open the lightbox programmatically using the openLightbox() function. If the lightbox is opened automatically when the page loads or by a link from a page element, data will not be passed to the lightbox. Therefore, if you want to pass data to the lightbox, make sure Automatically display lightbox on pages is set to No in the Lightbox Settings panel in the Editor and don't set any element's link to open the lightbox. Instead, create your own method for opening the lightbox programmatically. For example, you can add a button with an onClick event handler that calls the openLightbox() function.

To pass data back to the page that opened the lightbox, you must close the lightbox programmatically using the close() function. If the lightbox is closed by the site visitor clicking the 'X' icon, close button, or lightbox overlay, data will not be passed back the the page that opened the lightbox. Therefore, if you want to make sure data is passed back to the page that opened the lightbox, disable all of the methods mentioned above and create your own method for closing the lightbox programmatically. For example, you can add a button with an onClick event handler that calls the close() function.

Notes: Use the name of the lightbox and not the lightbox's ID when calling openLightbox(). You can find the lightbox's name by selecting the lightbox and clicking the settings button.

Only call openLightBox after the onReady event has fired.

Method Declaration
function openLightbox(name: string, data: object): Promise<object>;
Method Parameters

The name of the lightbox to open.


The data to pass to the lightbox.

Return Type:Promise<object>
import { createClient } from "@wix/sdk"; import { site } from "@wix/site"; import { window as wixWindow } from "@wix/site-window"; const wixClient = createClient({ host:, modules: { wixWindow }, }); // ... await wixClient.wixWindow.openLightbox("LightboxName");

This method doesn’t return any custom errors, but may return standard errors. Learn more about standard Wix errors.

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