About the Authentication API

The Wix Authentication API enables you to implement custom member registration and login for headless projects. Use this API to manage user authentication, while ensuring secure access.

With the Wix Authentication API, you can:

  • Register new members and manage their authentication tokens.
  • Log in existing members and maintain their session tokens for secure access.

The Register V 2 and Login V 2 methods include a sessionToken in their response. You can use the session token to get the site member's access and refresh tokens.

Note: You can use the Redirects API to let Wix handle authentication.

Use cases


  • Captcha token: A token used to verify that the registration or login request is made by a human and not a bot.
  • Identity: The unique identifier and profile information of a member.
  • Factor: An authentication factor used in multi-factor authentication processes.
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