
The Groups APIs provide all the functionality required to create and manage groups.

This article contains a comprehensive list of the various terms and concepts used in the Groups APIs.

Create request

When a Wix user has not given site members permission to create groups, they can submit a request to create a group. The request can be approved or rejected by a group admin.


Place where members can connect with each other to get updates and share media.

Groups list

List of groups displayed in the Wix Groups app home page.

Note: Depending on the viewer's role, not all groups will be displayed.

Group member

Site member that has joined a group.

Group privacy status

Defines the visibility of a group in a group list and how a site member can join it.

  • Public: Anyone can see the group and its content. Anyone can join the group.
  • Private: Anyone can see the group, but only group members can view its content. In order to join the group, site members must submit a join group request.
  • Secret: Only group members and admins can see the group. It is not possible for site members to submit a join group request. Instead, group members and admins can add new members.

Group settings

Group specific settings. Includes whether members can see the full group member list or invite new members. Wix users can also manage settings in the dashboard.

Join group request

Request submitted by a site member to join a private group. The request can be approved or rejected by a group admin.

Membership question

A question asked to members when joining a group. Only group admins can create or update membership questions and can set whether it is required to answer membership questions.


Role a site visitor has in a group.

  • Anonymous: Site visitor that isn't logged in.
  • Site member: Site visitor that is logged in but is not a group member.
  • Group member: Site member that has joined a group.
  • Group admin: Group member, Wix user, or Wix app with group management permissions. The member that creates a group is automatically a group admin. Also, Wix users are always group admins for all groups on their site.


A set of guidelines for group members' communication to encourage members to post responsibly and respectfully. These rules help set a positive tone for discussions and avoid conflicts.

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