This API is subject to change. Bug fixes and new features will be released based on developer feedback throughout the preview period.
Authorizes a payment using an order's saved payment method.
Use the delayedCaptureSettings
field to specify whether the payment should also be captured/voided immediately or at a later time.
Alternatively, the payment can be manually captured or voided using the Capture Authorized Payments or Void Authorized Payments methods.
You can only call this method when authenticated as a Wix app or Wix user identity.
Order ID.
The order must have a saved payment method associated.
Pass the order ID to the List Transactions For Single Order method and search the response for a payment with regularPaymentDetails.savedPaymentMethod: true
If no saved payment exists, the call will fail.
There are 2 errors with this status code.
There is 1 error with this status code.
There are 3 errors with this status code.
This method may also return standard errors. Learn more about standard Wix errors.