adjustPoints( )

Adjusts the point balance of a loyalty account.

The adjustPoints() function returns a Promise that resolves to the updated loyalty account.

To adjust the points balance of an account you must include an accountId, a revision number, and the adjustment to make. You can also leave a description to explain the reason for the points adjustment.

There are two ways to adjust the points of a loyalty account:

  • balance allows you to set the total points balance to this new amount. The transaction type will return as "ADJUST".
  • amount allows you to alter the points balance by this amount. This amount can be a positive number to increase the points balance or a negative number to decrease the balance. The transaction type will return as "GIVE".

An account may not be adjusted to a negative balance. If you pass values in both the balance and the amount parameters then the balance adjustment takes effect and the amount adjustment is ignored.

Note: Only visitors with Manage Loyalty permissions can manually adjust points in a loyalty account.


You can only call this method when authenticated as a Wix app or Wix user identity.

Manage Loyalty
Learn more about app permissions.
Method Declaration
function adjustPoints(
  accountId: string,
  options: AdjustPointsOptions,
): Promise<AdjustPointsResponse>;
Method Parameters

Loyalty account ID.


Options to use when adjusting points.

Return Type:Promise<AdjustPointsResponse>
import { accounts } from "@wix/loyalty"; async function adjustPoints(accountId, options) { const response = await accounts.adjustPoints(accountId, options); }

This method doesn’t return any custom errors, but may return standard errors. Learn more about standard Wix errors.

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