generateFileUploadUrl( )

Generates an upload URL to allow external clients to upload a file to the Media Manager.

To learn how external clients can use the generated upload URL in the response to upload a file to the Media Manager, see Upload API (SDK | REST).


  • When you upload a file, it's not immediately available, meaning you can't manage or use the file straight away. Learn more about knowing when a file is ready (SDK | REST).
  • Any interruption in the upload process stops the file upload. For files larger than 10MB, or when network connection is poor, call Generate File Resumable Upload URL instead. With the resumable upload URL, any interruption in the upload process pauses the file upload, and resumes the file upload process after the interruption.

You can only call this method when authenticated as a Wix app or Wix user identity.

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Method Declaration
function generateFileUploadUrl(
  mimeType: string,
  options: GenerateFileUploadUrlOptions,
): Promise<GenerateFileUploadUrlResponse>;
Method Parameters

File mime type.


Options to use when generating a file's upload URL.

Return Type:Promise<GenerateFileUploadUrlResponse>
import { files } from "@wix/media"; async function generateFileUploadUrl(mimeType, options) { const response = await files.generateFileUploadUrl(mimeType, options); }
400Invalid Argument

There are 5 errors with this status code.

This method may also return standard errors. Learn more about standard Wix errors.

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