About the Stores Locations V3 API

The Wix Stores Locations API is Read Only and provides access to online stores inventory locations data. To create or update the locations you should use the Wix Locations API. Only inventory type locations will be shown in the WixStoresLocations API. Each online stores inventory item is associated with a location. The location is a physical or virtual place where the item is stored. The location can be a warehouse, a store, or any other place where the item is kept.

When a store is created automatically a default online stores location is created. This location is used for all the items that don't have a specific location assigned.

Major functionality

The WixStoresLocationService API exposes read only functionality for having wix stores locations data. In order to create a new location that will be associated with your site you should call the Wix Locations API Create Location endpoint and after the creation you should update the location to be inventory type by calling Update Location endpoint. After complete those steps you will see the new location in the WixStoresLocationService API. Every update or delete action should be done in the Wix Locations API and will be reflected to WixStoresLocations.

Before you begin

It’s important to note the following points before starting to code:

  • The Stores Locations V3 API is only available for use with the Stores Catalog V3.
  • You must call getCatalogVersion() to get the site's Stores catalog version before using any of the Stores Locations V3 API methods. If the site uses Stores Catalog V1, the Stores Locations V3 API methods will not be available.


  • StoresLocation: business inventory location.
  • Virtual Location: a location that is not a physical location like online stores without warehouse.
  • Default location: online stores default location .
  • Wix Location: wix site locations.
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