About Wix Groups

With Wix Groups site owners can offer their members places to participate in discussions, share media and more.

Media in Wix Groups is organized in a gallery.

Site owners can set whether members are allowed to create groups, or add new members to a group.


  • Group: Place where members can connect with each other to get updates and share media.

  • Group Member: Site member that has joined a group.

    Note: The Wix Groups API doesn't assign group members a unique ID. Instead, it uses the memberId from the Members API for identification.

  • Group List: List of groups displayed in the Wix Groups app home page.

    Note: Depending on the viewer's role (see Roles), not all groups will be displayed.

  • Group Privacy Level: Defines the visibility of a group in the Group List and how a site member can join it.

    • Public: Anyone can see the group and its content. Anyone can join the the group.
    • Private: Anyone can see the group, but only group members can view its content. In order to join the group, site members must submit a Join Group Request.
    • Secret: Only group members and admins can see the group. It is not possible for site members to submit a Join Group Request. Instead, group members and admins can add new members.
  • Group Role: Defines permissions. See Roles for more details.

  • Join Group Request: Request submitted by a site member to join a private group. Approved or rejected by a group admin.

  • Group Request: When the site owners have not given site members permission to create groups, they can submit a Group Request to do so. Approved or rejected by a group admin.

  • Membership Question: Question asked to members when joining a group. Site owners can set whether it is required to answer the question in the dashboard.

  • Group Rule: Guidelines ensuring that members post responsibly and respectfully. Site owners can set up Group Rules in the dashboard.

  • Group Settings: Group specific settings. Including, whether members can see the full member list or invite new members. Available to the site owners under Admin Tools in the dashboard.


  • Anonymous: Site visitor that isn't logged in.
  • Site Member: Site visitor that is logged in.
  • Group Member: Site member that has joined a group.
  • Group Admin: Group member with additional permissions.


    • The creator of a group is automatically a Group Admin.
    • A Group Admin has always permissions to create groups.
  • Wix Groups Manager: Member, Wix App or third party application with full management permissions. The site owners are always Wix Groups Managers.
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