JSON Schema for Schema Plugins

You define the schema plugin fields that appear in extendedFields with a subset of JSON schema. The plugin schema has some restrictions and additions set by Wix, but the general syntax, supported types, and keywords are mostly the same as JSON schema. Wix supports JSON schema version 2019-09 or higher.

Example schema plugin

Here is an example of a schema plugin that defines firstName, lastName, and age fields. This is what the final schema looks like in the JSON Editor:


General restrictions

As with a normal JSON schema, to define your plugin fields, you’ll add them as property keys to the properties object. Keep in mind the following restrictions on the schema:

  • Plugin schemas can't contain more than 256 properties.

  • The maximum length of a property key is 64 characters.

  • Property keys must start with a letter and can contain only letters, numbers, and underscores.

  • A schema plugin can store a maximum of 10 KB of data per object. This means that each site that installs your app can store up to 10 KB of data for each object that your app extends.

    For example, if your app extends both the booking and checkout objects, it has a total of 20 KB of database storage. It can use up to 10 KB for the Booking object schema, and up to 10 KB for the Checkout object schema.

    A schema’s maximum size is calculated based on the field types defined in the schema, including the maximum lengths of all strings and the maximum items of all arrays.

Schema properties

Root-level properties

PropertyData TypeDescription
typestringRequired. Top-level key defining the type of properties. Must be "object".
propertiesobjectRequired. Top-level object containing the schema plugin fields defined as key-object pairs. The table below explains the structure of the properties object.

The properties object

PropertyData TypeDescription
typestringRequired. Second-level key defining a field’s expected data type. Supported values: "string", "number", "integer", "boolean", "array", "object".

Defined inside the object value of each property.
x-wix-permissionsobjectRequired. Defines a field’s read and write permissions. See Defining field permissions for more information.
x-wix-archivedbooleanUsed to archive fields. See Archiving fields for more information.
x-wix-filterablebooleanAllows filtering for fields. See Filtering schema fields for more information.
x-wix-piibooleanAllows you to declare a field as PII.
itemsobjectRequired if type is "array". Omitted for other data types.

Object that contains the type of data that the array contains. See array for more information.
maxItemsnumberRequired if type is "array".

Defines the maximum number of items the array can hold. See array for more information.
propertiesobjectRequired if type is "object". Omitted for other data types.

Object containing nested schema plugin fields. It accepts the same data as the 1st-level properties object and may contain strings, numbers, integers, booleans, or nested objects.
formatstringUsed only in string fields.

Defines a specific format for a string field, for example a date or a time. See string for more information.
maxLengthnumberRequired if type is "string".

Defines the maximum number of characters the field accepts. See string for more information.
minLengthnumberUsed only in string fields.

Defines the minimum number of characters the field accepts. See string for more information.
maximumnumberUsed only in number or integer fields.

Defines the maximum value the field accepts. See number and integer for more information.
minimumnumberUsed only in number or integer fields.

Defines the minimum value the field accepts. See number and integer for more information.
exclusiveMaximumnumberUsed only in number or integer fields.

Defines the maximum value the field accepts, excluding the defined value. See number and integer for more information.
exclusiveMinimumnumberUsed only in number or integer fields.

Defines the minimum value the field accepts, excluding the defined value. See number and integer for more information.

Supported types

The schema plugin supports all the basic JSON schema types, with some restrictions. These restrictions (if any) are detailed below for each type.


Size: Varies. Each character is 1 byte.


  • Length: Strings must be between 1 and 10,000 characters long.

Supported formats:

The JSON schema supports the following format values:

FormatMaximum LengthDescription
color-hex7# followed by a 6 character code that represents a color. For example, #1A8CFF.
Learn more about color hex.
currency3Three-letter currency code in ISO-4217 alphabetic format.
date-time25UTC datetime in YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm[:ss][.sss]Z format.
date10Date in YYYY-MM-DD format.
guid36Globally unique identifier.
hostnameDefined using the maxLength keyword.Host name. For example, www.example.com.
language32-letter language code in ISO 639-1 alpha-2 format.
time14Time in hh:mm[:ss][.sss] format.
uriDefined using the maxLength keyword.Uniform Resource Identifier. For example, http://foo.bar/?baz=qux#quux.
email254A custom Wix value indicating a valid email address.
phone40A custom Wix value indicating a valid phone number.
single-lineDefined using the maxLength keyword.Indicates a field that can only contain a single line of text. The string must end with a newline character (\n).
By default, a string field is considered multi-line text. If it is defined as single-line, the format can be removed later. However, if a string is created as multi-line text, the format can't be changed later to single-line, because this is a breaking change.


Size: 8 bytes


  • Minimum value: -253 + 1.
  • Maximum value: 253 + 1.


Size: 4 bytes


  • Minimum value: -253 + 1.
  • Maximum value: 253 + 1.


Size: Varies


  • An object must contain a properties field that defines its properties.
  • The object’s properties must follow the restrictions of the other types listed here.
  • There is a maximum of 10 nesting levels for an object.


Size: An array’s size is determined by the type it contains and its max length. For example, given the following property:


The array contains a maximum of 20 integers. Therefore its total size is:

4 bytes/integer × 20 integers = 80 bytes.

Now consider an array of strings:


The array contains a maximum of 10 strings, each of which can have a maximum length of 10 characters. Since 1 character = 1 byte, we can calculate the array’s total size like this:

(10 characters × 1 byte/character) × 10 = 100 bytes.


  • An array must contain an items key that defines the type of items in the array.
  • The items in the array must follow all the restrictions of the other types listed here.
  • An array can contain a maximum of 100 items. The maximum number of items must be defined using the maxItems keyword.
  • All the items in an array must be the same type.
  • Arrays support items of type string, number, integer, boolean, and object.


Size: 1 byte

Restrictions: None

Supported keywords

The following global JSON schema keywords are supported:

The following global keywords are not supported:

  • required
  • $defs
  • $ref
  • readOnly
  • writeOnly

Wix-specific keywords

Wix provides a number of keywords that aren't generally available in JSON schema. You can use these keywords when creating your schema plugin.


Add this keyword to mark a field as PII. A field marked as PII becomes available in GDPR flows.

Here's an example usage of x-wix-pii:


The following field types can be marked as PII:

  • strings
  • numbers/integers
  • arrays of strings
  • arrays of numbers

The object you're working with must be PII-enabled in order to mark schema plugin fields as PII. If it's not, setting x-wix-pii to true will generate an error.

You must mark a field as PII when you create your schema. By default, fields not initially marked as PII are non-PII. A non-PII field can't be changed to PII, as this is considered a breaking change. Likewise, you can't change a PII field to non-PII.

If you archive a PII field, any PII data associated with it is deleted.

Defining field permissions

For each field you add to the plugin schema, you need to define permissions. These permissions tell your app who can read and write to the field.

The permissions you define in the schema assume that the extended entity allows apps to read and write it. If an entity does not allow apps read and write permission, then no group will be able to read and write to the entity, no matter what permissions are defined.

There are four supported permission values:

  • owning-app: The app that defines the extended field.
  • apps: All apps installed on the same site as the owning app.
  • users: Wix users that have the owning app installed on their site.
  • users-of-users: Visitors of sites that have the owning app installed.

Note: If you enable users-of-users permissions for reading or writing an extended field, also enable the users permissions. Otherwise, Wix users won't be able to read or write the extended field data created by their site visitors.

To add permissions to a field, include the Wix-specific x-wix-permissions keyword in the field object. In the value, include two arrays: one specifying the read permissions, and the second specifying the write permissions.

For example:


When you create a schema plugin in your app's dashboard, owning-app read and write permissions are added by default. Therefore, you don’t need to explicitly define them in x-wix-permissions.

Editing the schema

Once you’ve saved the schema, there are limits on how you can edit it. You can only make non-breaking changes to the schema. Examples of non-breaking changes include:

  • Adding a new field.
  • Adding or removing permissions in an existing field.
  • Increasing a field’s max limit (for example, the maxLength value in a string field).
  • Decreasing a field’s min limit (for example, the value of minimum in a number or integer field).
  • Removing a field’s min or max limit entirely.
  • Changing settings like title, description and placeholder.

Examples of breaking changes are:

  • Removing a field.
  • Decreasing a field’s max limit.
  • Increasing a field’s min limit.
  • Adding a max or min limit to a field that didn’t have one before.

Archiving schema fields

You can’t delete fields from your schema, but you can archive them using the x-wix-archived keyword. As with permissions, add x-wix-archived to the field that you want to archive, and set it to true.

For example:


The archived field remains in the database, so you cannot reuse its key for another field. During read operations, it is filtered out, and during write operations the field is ignored. A field that is archived still takes up the same amount of space in memory and therefore counts towards the 10 KB total your schema plugin can take up.

All the schema types support archiving. If the archived field has nested fields, the nested fields are also archived. To restore an archived extended field, change the value of x-wix-archived to false or remove it from the schema.

Filtering schema fields

You can make a schema plugin field filterable by adding the x-wix-filterable keyword to the field, and setting its value to true:


You can then use the field as a filter in the object's standard API query method. For example, a query object might look like this:


Note: Not all entities with extended fields support filtering. Setting a field as filterable on a non-filterable entity causes an error.

Supported operations

Schema plugins support the following filter, sort, and aggregation operations:

Data TypeFormatFiltersSortableAggregations
string----$eq, $ne, $in, $nin, $startsWith, $isEmptyYESVALUE, SCALAR
stringdate$eq, $ne, $gt, $lt, $gte, $lte, $in, $nin, $isEmptyYESVALUE, SCALAR, RANGE
stringurl$eq, $ne, $gt, $lt, $gte, $lte, $in, $nin, $gte, $isEmptyYESVALUE, SCALAR
stringemail$eq, $ne, $in, $nin, $gte, $isEmptyYES
stringphone$eq, $ne, $in, $nin, $gte, $isEmptyYES
number----$eq, $ne, $gt, $lt, $gte, $lte, $in, $ninYESVALUE, SCALAR, SCALAR
boolean----$eq, $ne, $isEmptyYESVALUE, SCALAR

Note: Arrays of the above types are not sortable, except for arrays of booleans.

You can make a maximum of 10 fields filterable. If you archive a filterable field, it can't be used as a filter and no longer counts towards the 10-field maximum. If you unarchive the field, it remains unfilterable by default. You'll need to manually set it as filterable again using the x-wix-filterable keyword.

JSON validation errors

If your JSON schema doesn't align with the restrictions detailed above, you'll receive a validation error. Here are a few common errors and what they mean:

ErrorWhat it meansExample that can cause this error
MANDATORY_FIELD_MISSINGA mandatory keyword is missingA string field is missing the maxLength keyword.
UNKNOWN_KEYWORD_AT_THIS_LEVELYou added a keyword in the wrong place.You added x-wix-permissions in the items object of an array field.
EXCEEDED_STORED_DATA_SIZEYour schema exceeds the 10 KB limit.You try to increase maxLength in your string fields, but there's not enough storage remaining to support longer strings.
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