The Lottie element allows you to add and customize your Lottie animation. You can play
, pause
, and stop
your animation. You can set the speed
of your Lottie animation and whether it plays in a loop
There are 2 ways to set the Lottie animation you want to use:
You can change the src
of the Lottie element to an external Lottie animation URL, for example, ''
You can add a valid Lottie JSON to your page code. A valid Lottie JSON file should should follow this schema animation.json file. While your Lottie JSON file doesn't need all the key-value properties listed in this file, it must include the following properties and types for your Lottie JSON file to be valid.
Properties | Type |
"w", "h", "ip", "op" | Number |
"assets", "layers" | Array of objects |
Tip: You can put your valid Lottie JSON in a public file and import it in your page code.