openLightbox( )

Opens a lightbox and optionally passes it the given data.

The openLightbox() method opens a lightbox and allows you to pass data to it. Lightboxes that are opened automatically on page load, or via a link from a page element don't receive passed data.

To ensure data can be passed:

  1. Call this method to open a lightbox programmatically. For example, add a button with an onClick event handler that calls openLightbox().
  2. Set Automatically display lightbox on pages to No in the lightbox's settings under Set Triggers.

If you pass data to a lightbox, call the getContext() method in the lightbox's code to access the received data.


  • Use the name of the lightbox and not the lightbox's ID when calling openLightbox(). You can find the lightbox's name by selecting the lightbox and clicking the settings button.
  • Only call openLightBox() after the onReady() method, once all page elements have finished loading.
Method Declaration
function openLightbox(name: string, data: object): Promise<object>;
Method Parameters

The name of the lightbox to open.


The data to pass to the lightbox.

Return Type:Promise<object>
import wixWindowFrontend from "wix-window-frontend"; // ... wixWindowFrontend.openLightbox("LightboxName");

This method doesn’t return any custom errors, but may return standard errors. Learn more about standard Wix errors.

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